Anyone able to get a hold of Carvon (Jerry)? I never received my order

Jerry has dealt with a lot of personal family issues and clearly issues with delivering. I’m not super close to him, but know he doesn’t intend to scam anyone. He is not good at communicating his problems and honestly, he’s not the same since Derricks passing. This is a tough sport to be in, both as a rider and buisness owner. Either you or someone around you will be affected. It’s just a matter of time. I wish everyone best of luck getting your money back. It’s a shame to have so many affected in the community like this.


So he can’t type updates?

Fuck off, he doesn’t get to use this as an excuse.


Lol I’m not trying to defend him. I’m just explaining what’s going on with him for those who don’t know.

I don’t think he has handled the situation well. It’s sad to see so many affected by his buisness practices and lack of communication.

I’m not affiliated with him in any way and if anything, I’m a competitor of his. Getting mad at me won’t get your money back…


If that’s the reason, that’s BS. From my limited interaction with Derrick, he was for the community and all around proponent of our hobby. This fiasco and outright middle finger to the esk8 community is the worst way to honor him.


Yeah these “Jerry means well and is trying his best” or “he’s just bad at communication” posts from people on this board are part of the reason I kept believing he would come through eventually and didn’t try to get my money back earlier. Now that it is clear it isn’t gonna happen it is way too late to do anything and I’m out $2k with no way to get it back. There’s no possible excuse for his behavior, dude is an asshole. All I can hope for at this point is that if anyone happens to run into him, they pass along a big FUCK YOU from everyone he stole money from. An expensive lesson but it is what it is.


I’m not close enough to him to see what’s going on day to day. I know that he shut down for months after derrick passed. He was his main tester after all and the guy who pushed his stuff to the limit.

All I can say, is be careful who you give money to. Jerry has fucked the community up a lot here, as less will trust the next kickstarter campaign from forum members cough cough hummie hubs cough cough I hope not, but it’s my fear.

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Trusting is one thing. Open/transparent operation is another. Within the forum, many of us are understanding that this business has its ups and downs. We have waited a long time for some parts we’ve heard reasons and excuses.

I think even if CarvOn stuff is not delivered as of today. There are some who would’ve been “happier” and understanding if there was constant communication instead of the blatant slap in the face ghosting this entire time. Jerry definitely ran his business better back when Derek was around or when RunPlayBack was pushing his V2s. Maybe some personal issue came up but the “investors” need to be told.

In other words. I stand behind John/Hummie knowing that you and him will communicate through out the process.


One of my favorite posts was from @Hummie, long before I met him, and it was something along the lines of how he was too hungover to make it to the post office and something about it was completely his fault. MOST other vendors would have just given a big rant of all the other people’s issues that caused the delay, blah blah,(or of course not said anything for months). But this I found very honorable and made him even more trustworthy. A lot of these one man shows have other life responsibilities and everyone will face unforeseen delays. It’s how you handle it and how much respect you give your customers along the way.


That was a classic post. Pretty sure I was hungover myself reading when he posted that. How can you fault him? YOU CANT! that’s honesty, transparency.


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