Boosted Clone | Vanguard F.3 | Dual 75KV hubmotors | 90mm | 10S4P 25R | FOC

Awwwh, that’s not good news. Thought it would at least have the 15km/h it advertised. I’m a bigger guy, like 95kgs so it won’t carry me that fast.

Not enough oumph in your opinion @Bjork3n?

Yeah well im 75kg and maxed out at 10-11km/h… :frowning:

Haha, well… Back to the drawing board for me on that idea then. I was thinking of making something extremely tiny to use to travel between buildings at work or to use after a train commute to get around the city center.

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I would say the motors are the limiting factor. Changing them might allow more torque to reach better speeds

Yeah, but I mean, if I’m spending that kind of money on that board, I might as well invest in the Alienware RTR hub motor kit or something similar instead, right? At least that is my opinion :slight_smile:


Update #19

Fu*cking finally! I’m starting to get shit done again.

Today I laid the copper wire mesh and decided to just try and tape it to the deck like Boosted does and hope it holds. Turned out way better than I expected! I then redrilled some of the holes where the inserts are in the deck since they were petruding quite a bit. After that I did what any sane man dreads to do - I applied the griptape. Even that went well! :grin:

I knew that there were probably going to be some small cracks between the two griptapes, so I took a sharpie and filled in it a bit before applying the “main” griptape. Worked out OK, though the copper shine a wee bit in one of the smaller cracks.:sweat_smile:

In the last three pictures below you can see the copper strands quite a lot, because I placed the light as to let them cast longer shadows.


Good looking build.

PRO TIP: Make sure the cuts are identical so the mating can completely close… When placing multiple pieces of griptape next to each, to ensure a complete mating, use a heat gun on low heat to heat the seam and then push the seams together. Let the seam cool and TEN trim the excess griptape.


Thanks! Good tip, I’ll it try next time :grinning:

Update #20

Today I came to a realization: I underestimated how bad the placement of the power button and charging port was :sweat_smile:

Even though it, in my mind, looks better to have them where they are rather than on the side it is clear now that they take up too much valuable space in the center. As it is now, I can not fit my current BMS. For now I will use it without one while I’m looking for a slimmer & smaller alternative. I still have the balance leads connected to each of the cell groups so checking the groups manually is still something I can do.

I also, without a BMS, tried out my charger. Nothing burned, so that’s a relief! Here’s small sample of how the charging went over time. It’s a 2A charger on my 10S4P, which is about 10Ah.

Starting voltage: 34.9V

After 15minutes of charging: 35.5V

After 45minutes of charging: 36.1V

After 60minutes of charging: 36.6V

Other than hooking up the battery I also put connectors on the copper braids that goes over the deck.


Are you planning to buy a more powerful charger or are you ok with 5hrs charge time? I mean you could just charge it overnight but some people prefer to be able to charge in only an hour or so. Totally up to you of course.

Looking good though, and your photography is on point as always :slight_smile:

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Yeah no I’m with you on wanting a shorter charging time! I’ve been looking for a 41.5V >5A but recently Sweden passed a law which makes it more expensive to buy things from China. So the searched stalled a bit, but I’m now looking at buying it from Europe/Sweden.

Thank you! :smiley:

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Doesnt that extra price only count if its sent with PostNord?

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True, but for the past years I’ve ordered stuff from ebay/ali about 99% of everything has come with PostNord. The only exception has been bigger orders where I could choose the carrier myself.

Rumors are saying that the law will start on march.

Great job, planned to start a similar project as yours, but after all the work and time u have put in to your project, i’ll just pass :smiley:

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Update #21

IT’S ALIVE! :smiley:

So I put together the VESCs and soldered the positive and negative harnesses for it. Binding them together with small copper strand before soldering was oddly satisfying and really helped spread the heat evenly. At least it felt like it did.

I’m having some trouble with my NRF nunchuck that I bought so it’s on the workbench currently. At the moment I’m using my old kama nunchuck and reciever. The board is set up in BLDC(CAN BUS) without the sensors since I’ve yet to hook them up. It runs a bit odd though, not sure what’s wrong with my settings just yet.

Here’s some of the trouble I’m having:

  • Both motors stutter when going slight uphill with(and without) cruise control. And I don’t mean when going from a stand still. Could be that I had them set at motor max 40A. I’ve since bumped that up to 50A but yet to try it out. But then again they do the same thing now on the bench so I’m not sure.

  • If the board is at a stand still and I press the cruise control one motor(Slave VESC) starts to rev to top RPM. Nothing should actually happen if I press it without the throttle.

  • When I throttle up just a wee bit the board keeps accelerating without me doing anything and it won’t brake. It’s as if the throttle is delayed, but I know it’s not since it’s only in the beginning that it is happening. Otherwise it’s fine.

Here’s a video showing everything I just talked about. Any help on the matter would be very appreciated :slight_smile: I’ve read a lot about getting the right settings for VESCs and have done it before but this is my first setup with dual motors. Once I’ve got the sensors soldered and connected correctly I’ll start using FOC.


I would suggest disconnecting the one VESC from its motor and from the receiver and/or canbus and taking it for a test run, the goal being to simplify the setup as much as possible to narrow down the source of the problem. If it runs without stuttering, try the other VESC. If they both work fine, I would check that they’re both configured exactly the same. I’m no VESC expert but it might be worth re-running motor detection.

It also could be hitting the ERPM limit, depending on your voltage, motor KV and VESC settings.

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Wow!! excellent job , I like that , everything very organized ,neat and beautiful .

I admire your work! such a good work.

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Good tips! I didn’t think about narrowing it down using only one VESC/motor to test settings :slight_smile: Hahaha sometimes it feels like this thread is just a private conversation between us two :wink: