Can someone help me understand this

:joy: Yeah I will sit here with my expensive cells in one hand, and a proper beer in the other :see_no_evil:

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hey now that was uncalled for :rofl:

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They never taught you that €1 ≠ $1.

Man our public schools suck

he said €3.99 per cell… so i said $5 :thinking:

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What about the €2.75? You forgot that that’s not $2.75?

What did we learn in the other topic today? Confirm your sources! :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Mike said $2.75 but it’s actually €.


lol I was just going off what @mmaner said

sorry for throwing you uber the bus btw :rofl:

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¯\(ツ)/¯ .

Yep, had a couple if bears and started drunk buying :grinning:

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that post makes me think you’re still hungover :rofl:

you always seem to have a way with words, sometimes the correct spelling and grammar brings a tear to my eye. absolutely beautiful writing.

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Just woke up, not hungover just sleepy stupid. I’ve got to find a solution to this phones auto correct, it’s killing me. My FBI agent must think I love ducks. :grinning:

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