DD Mad Speed. Mad hubs DD conversion kit Build

Too much current and you can demagnetize the permanent magnets or weaken them. These are low kv so for the same current they produce a lot stronger magnetic field than for the same current on a high KV motor.

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True. They need less current to output same torque. They use magnets rated up to 150C. I won’t risk to go close to that. With the wheels you are using it’s clearly speed oriented as you could see so torque has to go down a bit. Probably still fine but if you search only hills climbing then better gear or belt drive to me. If it’s a mix for riding around and have fun then it’s fine. If you want more torque go down with the wheels size. Already 100mm should give you more.

This all makes sense. Going to try 100mm this week!

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Which one do you have? Just out of curiosity sic e I can not find any :grin:

MBS 13401 - Black All-Terrain Longboard Wheels - 100mm X 65mm - Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015GJN0BA/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_2b4gDbRAHYTF3

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Ok thanks. I thought some cool urathene one to replace BOA. I like wider contact patch.

Ok here is what I found 20190709_214211 15627338286033597427967937172779 Magnets seem to be in place, but there are quite a few what look like shavings of some sort in the bottom of the black can cover.


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Ok. Well the CAN with magnets is glued to th front so you should have remove the front panel and then remove the CAN with magnets thst comes off with the front bearing ecc… Anyhow the can looks ok. I think the problem is probably in the stator then but then it’s difficult to say it. When you hand spin the motor try to short 2 of the phase wires at the time and feel if becomes harder to turn.

So when i go to reassemble it do i have to glue the rotor back down to the can before i reassemble?

yes I would remove the front screws and take the front panel and glue it with the motor can. Check my tutorial video and you will see that the motor is assemble together since the beginning. The parts slide on top of it.

I was checking the video. The first wire you are pointing seems the junction of the 3 motor phase wires in the wye configuration. the second thing attached to the sensor is like a heat shrink or what?

what kind of glue should i use?

loctite 380 is good. Also for magnets in case.

cant seem to find that video, could you link it here? and Thank you!!!

Anyhow if this one shorts on the metal can you need to heat shrink it back. Otherwise the motor won’t work. You can test it with a meter.


It shorts to that piece that backing piece that you see on there, can I trim it a little and then heat shrink it? I think part of the problem is that, that tail is to long

It should be after the not of the 3 phase wires so it doesn’t have any role. Maybe remove the old heat shrink to be sure. A short in that spot is definitely a problem.