Designing a Gear Drive for My 8th Grade Project

I mean, its harder to design than a belt drive… Not rocket science or anything though. It just makes sense to design the easy thing first and get a bit of practice.

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gears have been around for more than a centruy. kids in robotics ranging from 6th grade to highschool are working with gears. all im saying is, its nothing to be intimidated by. i fully believe anyone can design a gear drive.


I fully believe he can too, I just didn’t want to overestimate his CAD & CNC abilities, so making something super easy 1st (like a belt drive) is always a good idea if you are a CAD & CNC noob. I have know idea who this kid is. A lot of 8th graders are dumbasses. He appears not to be in that group and should be just fine.

Based on what he is saying he must have more experience than I guessed an 8th grader would have. I wish I had access to that stuff in 8th grade. I know my future kids will! I will definitely have a CNC in my garage by then.

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Mod.8 10kw 8.0:1

Mod1.5 12kw 5.63:1

You should be able to easily build somthing similar well within your budget and have money left over for pizza.

Go with heat treated steel.

We punish our gear drives like no others.

No lube, still on the original spur and pinion.

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o damn. I’ll try that first and then go to a harder design! Thanks!