Did I do it again?!?...... reverse polarisation

Nope it doesnt. Forget about that other part. :slight_smile:

Have you measured the output voltage? Just very simple to check if itโ€™s the right voltage. But damn what a complex wiring schema.

I cant I can only check the individual voltage of the batteries with my charger.


The VESC is dead. :frowning:. After doing the motor detection I can conclude that it is done. My motor, remote, metr module and batteries are fine. I think that it just couldnโ€™t the handle the damage done to it earlier (couple if months ago) hence the title did I do it again. When I was doing the detection I smelt a bit of smoke then I knew there was something wrong. Disconnected the anti spark, metr module, remote and then there was a tiny spark. I kinda saw this coming thats also a reason why i created this post.

But lesson learned. Always be careful and pay attention otherwise a lot worse things could have happened.

Well I wired my antispark loopkey and killed my Focboxes not repairable. Yours may have just blown the drv chip and that is repairable.

Call the DRV wizard! @JohnnyMeduse

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Can I see if I blew the DRV with the blind eye? Because i have no idea how i am supposed to see that.