Dual drive e board for sale, but not yet

What would you expect from them?

He is saying you should get way more range. With your weight like 30miles.

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dunno checked on calculator but that never asked for my weight bought batteries from nkon.nl

Can you show a pic of the recipit form nkon?

Holy shit is this still going? You want to sell the board? 3 steps.

  1. have the thing ready to sell
  2. post description and pictures
  3. Donā€™t tell lies.

not trying to sell anything yet

i havent been saying anything everyone else has

You posted this in the used items for sale section if you donā€™t have something to sell this thread doesnā€™t belong in this category

close this thread if you want

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We need a Bin category I could then move this to where it so needs to be.



Why are you listing a board that your not even trying to sell. My whole point here is, youā€™ve painted a bad image of yourself. You fail to use the search bar, as well as literally have no knowledge on esk8. How can we trust to buy a board off of someone who has only asked noob questions, and creates new threads on questions already answered. If I where on your behalf, I would call it quits

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No no. Im as annoyed as anyone here but i donā€™t want him to quit. Heā€™s taking the hazing quite well. Just needs to be a bit more thoughtful and use the site appropriately. I shit post more than most lol creating new threads that donā€™t add much to the community is definitely not a great way to make friends on here. I think heā€™ll figure it out. Heā€™s just a kid. Eventually heā€™s just gonna get ignored if he keeps this up.

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Then why the title?


I think he wants to know how much his board is worth so he can decide if he wants to sell it

Yes but he wants to make money off of it. Thatā€™s not how this forum works. If you think Iā€™m buying anything from this shitshow, think again lol

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I went a little overboard, just disappointed

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Not trying to sound pretentious and I know I can just ā€œnot look at itā€

But why is this thread still here? Itā€™s obviously dumb fucking bullshit. Can be closed, and a mod can politely send the dude a well worded message of how to not be stupid on this forum, or any.

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$200. Now quit posting dumb shit dude.

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Omfg this thread makes me feel matureā€¦ :rofl:

I literally got all my info from YouTube and a ā€œrandom site like thisā€ jk anyways Iā€™m taking the bait youā€™ll get 75% of your money back selling it as long as you donā€™t make a explosive battery pack ā€œcoughā€ ā€œcoughā€

ā€œI suggest you read up on old threads.ā€

@mmaner why is this still open lel?

Nobody is forcing anyone to respond.

Gotta give it to the kid, how many combined manchild hours of ours did we waste all in?