Enertion Raptor Third(?) batch Info roundup

Yeah ok he might get his @Khayman late July to ealrly August then. Hes probably still got to wait for some more decks. Theres meant to be a whole new extra shipment in this month of parts.

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My Ordernr: #4110 isnt even on there so if im lucky i will get it in the end of august early september and that when the sky opens upp here in sweden and after that the winter is coming. :cry:

Is my battery is shipped? I didn’t get any shipping number, I know you are super busy, if you forgot - this is just reminder, tnx :slight_smile:

I believe it takes a while for them to give him tracking information, could be wrong but that’s what he said for US batteries

I don’t want to speculate about what this could mean but… :slight_smile:

Hello everybody! 20 May my Raptor has finally arrived , unfortunately I am still waiting for the battery ! who has the same problem ? I’m from Germany and my order number is 2278!

Please email [email protected]

we are trying to sort this out now.

I sent you a message , many thanks for the quick response



Congrats! Awesome. Can only imagine how its feeling like :smile:

Quite amazing…quite amazing. Hoping everything is good with it because I’ll be posting the unboxing on my channel : p

I have a feeling the board is close as well :wink:

What?? My order was before yours and I got nothing??

@Mr_Mahal When did you get this notification? I just emailed enertion support, so let’s see what happens.

@Mr_Mahal didn’t received everything by now and as far as I know he’s got an shipment notification for the space cell… We are all waiting :see_no_evil:

@Photorph I’m sure you’ll get an email notification. Give it till the end of the day as usual…

@Photorph I think @mr_mahal probably has an account with ups, that’s why he got a notification. I don’t think we receive anything in email form yet. @onloop said he’ll get to it by tonight (Australia Thursday.)

Regardless I think it’s good news, since he’s getting it by Friday we should be getting within this week too. I’m in NYC so I shouldn’t be far off. FYI I’m ahead also.

Dude that is some crazy detective work :joy:

@Nate Ah, you are right I think I’ve had that account for some time so I have the option to alter my delivery. You guys should get an account as well, I’m in MD, so I imagine if they can get it from Texas to here in 3 days they can get to the rest of you this weekend as well. If you create an account I’d bet it would pop up :+1:@Photorph

And @Nate . . . This is what not having a board for over a month does to you lol if you check the GT thread early on you will see how bad it was : p

I have an account already, nothing popped up.