Enertion VESC delay?

Was actually gonna post that, didn’t know where it would be appropriate lol…he’s kinda good at it you gotta admit…song choice still needs work but he’s got the idea.

That’s great that he is doing vlogs but I feel like that’s another distraction for him like @Dedbny said. His vlogs for the most part are not updates about things. It’s more so his personal family life and what he is doing… Like “hot date with with my wife’s best friend”. I watch his vlogs because he said to look for updates there but mostly it’s his daily life, whisky drinking, etc. I do like them when there is E-board related material on there, but not when he is at a BBQ doing something else. He just bought a gorilla pod. He is setting up camera for shots that he walks into. It’s starting to look a lot like Casey neistat is. And that is fine. But the reason I subscribed is for electric skateboard related material.

I feel like he is spending a lot of time on those to shoot and to edit, he can be using that time on his business and to provide better customer service. He said he is too busy to give minor updates regarding order statuses, it sure doesn’t seem like he is that busy given the amount of time he is putting into vlogs. I’m a firm believer of putting in the most time to keep customers happy and to deliver the best products with awesome QA. That’s where most of his time should go. The vlogs about sharing his day to day life are meh, does anyone else watch the vlogs to genuinely see what his daily life is like?


Hard for me to try to influence how another man spends his time. Although I do think a good portion of his day goes to the vlog (when he does one, they’re not always daily), it is nowhere near as robust as Casey’s. Not to go off tangent but in general that vlogging style is pretty much just a standard (now), it was nothing new in terms of film techniques, just something people never really wanted to put any time to doing because they probably didn’t think it was necessary…until someone got popular for doing it well.

Anyways, the “date with wife’s best friend” video did/does have a disclaimer that it does not have any electric skateboards involved. Also, looking at his youtube history it was probably the first video that did not have to do with eboards at all…he doesn’t always have something new to share or work every single day. Seems like the first time he had gotten to do something fun in a while and he decided to record it.

Don’t get me wrong, I do believe more time should be put into customer service. That’s exactly why he just hired a business manager to help him do all of that, he admitted in a vlog that he’s weak in that area. Hopefully this new guy is as good as he says and can keep customers updated on here / make things move a long faster. Don’t know what Jason has planned for QA, but that definitely should be his priorirty as it hurts his brand when someone gets something poorly put together. I watch his vlogs with the hope of seeing a vesc shipment in one lol but I stick around for the other stuff too occasionally if its not too boring.


quick schedule update.

just got 100 vesc, this will cover most of February orders, one week from now will get another 100 or 200 vesc, this will get us up to end of march orders. april & may order will not be filled until mid june.

then we will have approx 1200 VESC in stock and never run out again.

p.s. how fucking sexy are these… oohh yeah!


Looking forward to seeing how these compare to the old ones made in China. I haven’t tried a VESC yet. If these are stable then you’ll have an order from me sometime this year.




the peg jig


I would like to introduce you to Rose, she is a beautiful custom designed JIG designed for loading firmware onto VESC & Spinning Up motors in one fell swoop, She can do 10 VESC each go!

Rose is one of those girls who you can’t live with & you can’t live without… She is one of the biggest headaches in getting my large VESC batch made - she is complex and has been hard to manage… When manufacturing in qty of 2000 VESC it is no longer feasible to touch each vesc & program them. You need to automate as much as possible…

Problem with Rose is she is a hardware & software solution, she needed to be developed from the ground up & she is well overdue…


The good news is she is due to be completed in 7 days, then finally we can get the output of VESC up to a respectable level. At the moment things have come to a grinding halt…


Latest VESC manufacturing schedule…

6/10 - 150 6/17 - 200 6/24 - 300 7/1 - 350

NOTE: I have 60 raptors to build, ill be pulling VESC out of the first 150 & 200 Batches so we can build the raptors.

Sorry for the incredibly long delays… we are trying to do everything perfectly. By End of JUNE 2016 we will be up to date with all outstanding VESC orders


For a second I thought you were going to introduce us to your new employee. Then you told us about a PCB board. Haha :joy:

everyone should be able to reply in this topic now.

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So, the VESC is going to be deliverd sooner then expected? (for late orders, I cant imagine what a hassle it must have been for februari orders) What has changed about the estimed delivey date of mid july? @onloop

I am just giving the dates that my factory is giving to me… they have had some major fuckups along the way… but they are working really hard to ensure the best product is made & delivered.

the Americans seem to have a much more rigid work ethic, they don’t tend to bullshit you either… they say a date & it tends to be true… The china factories will always be telling you fancy lies about how quick they will be, seldom are.

i can only wait & see…


I guess we all have to wait and see along with you :slight_smile: I hope that everything goes to plan, so you can get a break from all the negativity. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the update. Would you mind giving us an update on the latest vesc order number you’ve been able to ship out? That way people can make more estimate guesses :slight_smile:

It’s fine if you don’t I still have exams to finish anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

When you say manufacturing schedule, are you referring to the date that these will be shipped to customers or the date that you’re expecting to receive these and then ship them after?

That is the manufacturing schedule, worldwide logistics is another beast all together…

anyone in the USA will get well served because that is where the VESC stock is.

some other countries can be more complicated…

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Hey @onloop, not sure if you’ve already replied to @sibisi666 but he seems to be in need of urgent help in the other thread and has had trouble reaching you…

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Yea that seriously needs to be resolved. I would go crazy if mine had that issue after waiting for so long and no one is replying to me.