[EU] Fucked by police / need help by calculating max speed


EU, no mph allowed in this thread :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. JK

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Well saw in the noobs thread you have metr, if you have your settings correct for number of poles, pulley ratio, and wheel size then it should also be giving you accurate numbers, here if you aren’t breaking any laws you can’t be asked to stop and identify. I do like the idea of being able to get insurance for my ride and just in case someone ever tried to pin an accident on me but otherwise just assume medical insurance is really all I need (in America you must have medical or your life will be hell)

Just fact checked myself and a little off, it varies state by state some places they just can’t stop you and ask for ID

Another thought/question on this, why do you need insurance on an esk8? Is it that your body is going to be hit by a car and you need to pay for the damages to the car if you’re at fault? Does the same thing apply to bikers or pedestrians? if no why not?

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so true. but you can ride an ebike in germany that goes up to 30kmh and there is no law to use a helmet while riding and you need no insurance. I think 30kmh free for all electric vihicles would be fair, but we all know the endless greed of the government. EDIT: they want us to pay taxes, pay for an insurance, pay for energy and so on. Dont know that much about american laws, but in germany you have to pay for everything you do several times. just one payment is never enough in germany…you have to pay taxes if your a poor pig for collecting bottles in the streets. This country just sucks

This is what you should have done. ‘sees cops’ go full send and get as far away as possible then turn down onto a bike path. Once on the path they will have to follow on foot, then just circle back and go home. Easier said than done lol

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This is what happened in the end. Thanks for the informations

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Did u already have to pay something? I didn’t get any papers from the police till yet.

Oh man hopefully you get it back without much to pay Cross my fingers for ya Really thinking of adding a slow and fast mode to my board exactly for such scenarios

doesn’t matter how fast your board is running. More than 6km/h in Germany is illeagal.

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Any updates from the police?

If it was that bad in UK, I would be practicing my ability to ‘flee’ lol


except in America the police will shoot you in the back and say you tried running him over with a motorized vehicle and he feared for his life…lol

Any updates regarding this? Did you heard something form the police @StefanMe? KR

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I dont know how to say this in englisch, but are very happz to “drop” the prosecution. But gave me a warning, that the next time it will maybe have more consequence.

I just have to pay a very small fine. I dont know how much it is at the moment.


ok glad to hear this were the speed setting to fast?

a friend told me yesterday, that it is finally through the bundestag. 20 kmh should be free immediately.

@City-Blade-101 What?! No… they decide on the 17.May . Nothing is fix until now. Even… it doesnt matter. No Insurance = lot of trouble.

The problem is not the speed or anything. The big deal is the missing insurance in germany.

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Oh okey, i got wrong info then. I didn’t look for myself yet but i will do some research tonight. And yes you are right about the insurance. That is the real crime behind riding electric skateboards. Hopefully there will be a solution we all can live with. peace

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I belive we can ride NEVER full legal with an ESKATE in Germany. Maybe if u buy an MELLOW or another huge brand, because the have the type approval (ABE).

If u really just get the insurance when u show them your ABE, we are all fucked.

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That could be the reason for the mellow s version which only goes up to 20 kmh. In my personal case, i never had any problems with the police and im riding almost every day. Last night the police passed me at 23 o clock while i was riding my 4WD 30 to 35 kmh i think and they just told me through an open window of their car that i have to ride on the sidewalk. Its weird but this happens to me almost every day for about 2 years now.God bless nothing more.