Evolve Skateboards - New Board - GT Carbon!

Wow - respect to that dude for standing on a board for that long. My legs would have probably not been able to handle that :slight_smile:

Yup – I bet he skipped leg day the day before and after : p

Thanks mr mahal. It does make us esk8ers sleep better at night, otherwise we’re up late questioning. Thanks for getting to the bottom of it. Its good news to me. I think esk8 needs some decent range. If it can hit 25mph at least and keep up with me doing hills…I’ll really like this board.

No prob man, all I want is for it to be legit. Good news sort of with the top speed, people can hit 25mph. Seems like it really depends on weight and set up for the top speed some people get:

Although some dude said you can only get 40km with the 97mm street wheels, 83mm speed is lower…didn’t ask the guy who said he can hit 25mph which size wheel he used.

Oh yeah guys, took me a while to realize but one of the guys in the FB group (Justin, highlighted above ^^^^^) works at Evolve USA and he’s been using the pre-production model…which could mean they really are getting shipments (soon) :smiley:

There are two videos of him riding it which are pretty dope. If you guys wanna see them let me know :slight_smile:

Hey, yeah I guess we are all up for videos :smile:

How many watt hours is the pack supposed to be?

Full specs on the 25th @CSN.

***Edit: check my post below for the vids

He does a crappy job of recording in the first vid but he said it was because he wanted to focus on his “safety” the first ride lol. Seems quite loud with the AT set up but I’m not surprised

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Ok show the video

It’s right above your post dude lol


Saw that already lol

Ok guys, the links above were linking straight to the video hosted on FB. They had a limited number times they could be accessed before the key got changed. I went ahead and downloaded them to eliminate that limit. Here they are (AGAIN) if you haven’t seen them:

(Click on the links for the mirrors if the embedded fb video goes down)

Street set up https://video-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t42.1790-2/13262862_1696219667297553_2014377410_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjQ2MiwicmxhIjo3MDksInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoic3ZlX3NkIn0%3D&rl=462&vabr=257&oh=6ef7a8e549d83dc38c829db45cbe2b7e&oe=5741EA49

AT set up https://video-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t42.1790-2/13265130_944902802274832_1372116987_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjMyOSwicmxhIjo1MTIsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoic3ZlX3NkIn0%3D&rl=329&vabr=183&oh=cc94644aa0a1d80d500f780434a6cc01&oe=5741F1B4


Just like the Boosted email it went to the promo folder in gmail >.<

But yayyyy limited stock…that scares me lol… Gonna be refreshing the page all night…

Pre-Order goes live 10:00am AEST May 25th

Little bit giddy

But is it WORLDWIDE though, as in for some (specifically the US) it will be the 24th?

Boosted Vs Evolve GT hill test

Already posted about 2 weeks ago bud


I tried to scroll through and find it before I posted… I didn’t remember seeing it. Oops

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