EVOLVED | DIY Clone | 2x 5065 | 2x FOCBOX | 8s 8ah | Original Evolve Parts

Nice build ! How’s the fit on your 3d printed riser ? I had one printed from files I found online but the fit / finish is bad. Anyway you could share your files or charge me to print one for me ?

I found this on thingiverse, but I had to print it at 101% scale to make it fit perfectly. :slight_smile: To get this finish I sanded and painted it

Is this the one ? If it is maybe I’ll try having it printed at 101%. Mine required a lot of enlarging the holes and some of the side pieces bulge out. Also did you print in PLA or ABS ?

Yup, exactly that one. I printed in 101% scale with a 0,6mm nozzle, using PLA material.

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I have a friend that has a Evolve GT that he ran into the water by accident. Needless to say I am having to source a new vesc x2 and BMS for him. The battery is ok. My question for you all since I know nothing about Evolve is can you use the remote and pair it up to another receiver? I’m trying to save my buddy some money if I can.