Feather Remote Parts Kits - US - 1 KIT LEFT

Ah, I had one from a few months ago, I think it came from Amazon, too lol. I just checked adafruit, but the only size that comes close is 552035 :pensive:Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

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Next time please try being of more help! Kk? Thnx.

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Lol wut?:dizzy_face:




@joeadams101 trolls me because he loves me


Of course I do ! You know it and thats why you never pick up my calls :call_me_hand:t2:


@PickSix24 do you sell any more of These ?

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I’ll do batches of five , need three more people

Something that should be known are the connection issues with the current version, if you read the Feather Remote Thread you will see several reports of disconnects. Pretty critical info given how dangerous remote failures can be.

I want to build one myself but can’t trust my life to it at the current stage.

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True there are some with disconnect issues. From what I can tell they seem to be isolated to large metropolitan cities such as San Francisco. I’ve yet to have an issue with mine. The estop function is supposed to kick in upon a disconnect which gradually slows the board down vs a traditional hard stop. I’ve tested this with mine by shutting off the remote without issue. I’m testing a small patch antenna which should further boost the connection.

I’m really glad for the people that are adopting early and working these issues out! Seems like these remotes are close.

Firefly, Firefly Nano, Feather Remote, Trigger Style… A lot of projects out there right now.

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@PickSix24 what does the normal Version cost ?

If anyone is interested I’m taking orders for two more kits. No extension boards though… well maybe I could be persuaded.

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Also available are extra receivers for those who have a remote and have multiple boards. Only one remote is needed.

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sadface and PSA for other noobs like me.

Assembling the remote now (@PickSix24 @StefanMe the kit is awesome for assembly). The amazon lipo is wired backwards. I smell the magic smoke. Remote still powers up but the charge LED does not come on. Lots of fun coming up for me. I guess I can buy another feather, or start googling for repair.

what do you mean its wired backwards? the + and - is flipped?

Yup. + and - flipped. The funny thing is, https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-feather-m0-radio-with-rfm69-packet-radio/pinouts isn’t super helpful, the image of the lipo connector is flipped. I toned out the BAT and GND pins after breathing the smoke and confirmed. Flipped the lipo pins, and remote powers up.

I found the charge controller chip, 50 cents, can get it free overnight shipping from arrow.com. It looks challenging to remove the feather from the pcb. Lotta pins there. :slight_smile: And if it’s not just the chip, I’ve got a lot to learn to debug this.


The only problem I had on mine was the trigger button. It was too big when I use double side tape. I ended up shaving that area on the remote and not use any tape since it stays put when you close and screw everything in.

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Sorry to hear that. The feather board is $25 and if you have a desoldering vacuum it’s not too bad. I’ve done it before with a cheap plunger style from amazon. I can also perform the repair for you if you’re interested.

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I’ve done the repair with a soldering station and this: https://www.amazon.com/Vastar-Solder-Sucker-Desoldering-Removal/dp/B074ZDCTLV/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?crid=8LZOVLCL9P6D&keywords=desoldering+pump&qid=1555817077&s=gateway&sprefix=desoldering+&sr=8-6

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