Hello: flipskytech01,
It would appear you have the wrong person.
But I will entertain your train of thought here: if this is truly a representative of Flipsky, which I’m not confident it is: As a consumer, I would be concerned with any organization that would release any consumers information publicly? I’m fairly confident that is looked down upon in some countries and illegal in others? However, your statement might have been said in jest.
In regard to your next statement: “You did the risk over max specifications for the VESC and caused the damage.”
I’m fairly confident I have the means and full working knowledge to perform a proper rated load test based off the data Flipsky provided via Flipsky’s website.
The VESC6.6 is rated at, “Current: Continuous 100A single, total 200A , Instantaneous current 400A per single, total 800A for system instantaneous current”. The 6374 motors are rated at “Max Power: 3250 Watts, Max Current: 85 Amps, Max Volts: 12S , Max Torque: 8Nm”. These specs are pulled right off your website.
Why would anyone “ over max” the VESC on a load test?
Why would anyone “ over max” the motors on a load test, especially when they ran conformation load testing with Flipsky’s own VESC before the magnetic adhesive broke free?
With respect to your comment: “Also, it’s not good to leave bad reviews to all of our products including all others you never used and bought.”
I did not perform these actions; I did however share my reviews of the products I did review on other forums about your product and informed them how Flipsky took them down and only kept the positive product reviews. Individuals on these engineering sites did not seem to agree with Flipsky’s action, so if they did what you claimed then you can address that with them.
Finally, with respect to your comment,
“I think it’s not cool to spread the unactual fact and cause the misunderstanding”
I think there is a viable solution here that will clear up all misunderstandings between you and this passionate engineering community. Please provide legitimate third party verified testing of your products directly showing each product actual specifications/outputs to include resistance and heat outputs. I might also suggest providing free return shipping if items are defective on arrival or a limited time after purchase.
This being said, I will recognize (although statistically improbable) and concede in the fact that I could have received all under-performing Flipsky products, which resulted in these significantly reduced outputs: to include torque curve peaks and electrical resistance.