Flipsky VX2...any thoughts?

Just got mine but it seems throttle only works for brakes. Push to forward does nothing I can’t even use it to do setup(I can only decrease but not increase.) Sent a message to flipsky hope they can fix this. I have another one coming in a few days.

With the help from flipsky it looks like there is one 5mm*2mm magnet missing on the throttle. They are going to mail me a new throttle. At the same time I think I will try buy some magnets from amazon to fix it.

Interested to hear how you get on. The deadband on mine is huge. I have just had an email from Flipsky now showing the reduced deadband. Also brighter screen so looks like things are looking up.

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got some more updates on this? tempted to use this on my Trampa build :slight_smile: But as I am using a unity I am really unsure on how much that works (lcd etc)

@mackann may have updates on they unity situation? I’m using mine as it is on the focboxes. Telemetry seems great. I’m getting to grips with the large deadband, not ideal but I am in control… The screen is largely un-viewable in sunlight. They have told me that there is a version to come with brighter screen and smaller deadband. I’ve offered to test it when it becomes available.

Yea we’re all waiting on flipsky

They are working on a Unity version of vx2, dont know the release time for it. I think their will be 2 versions and not 1 that support both standard vesc and Unity.


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yea that’s what they told me too

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So yea I just bought it, color screen too it seems. Order was 87.5 dollars total with the discount code

Great content. Take it to the funside


Just got these things:

  • 2 single flipsky vesc 4.20
  • 1 VX2 remote
  • 2 6374 flipsky 190kv motors
  • 1 flipsky anti spark switch
  • 2 4s batteries 4.000mah 25C that i will plug in series.
  • 200mm off road tires
  • 4/1 gear ratio chain

From what i’ve read i could use 3 solutions to drive both vescs with the remote:

1 - use can bus, but if master vesc stops working, both do. 2 - use split ppm with one of the 5v wires cut off. But i’ve read that some people have had their vesc fried by doing this, maybe done something wrong. 3 - use two receivers, one on each vesc, but not sure if works with vx2 and alao is the most expensive solution.

Note that i am from Brazil and anything i need from china will take forever to get here, so with that in mind, what would you guys recomend i do to link the vx2 to both vescs?

how did you get it to work.my vx2 pro is not pairing with the UNITY FOCBOX.