FOCBOX flashing fault repreatly

I’ve blown a DRV on the 4.12 VESC with BLDC, but I’m pretty sure that’s my own fault because I like to tow my other friends uphill on regular longboards. I’m sure I was pulling 60A.

I also just blew a focbox because of water damage. I was taking a test ride and all the sudden hit a patch of really wet leaves.image

I burnt my third FocBox today, weird stuff it just stopped working.

Red light flashing repeatedly 4 times.

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FOC + 12s ?

10s3p runing 30A. The 12s is runing strong on the Trampa daily commuter at really high discharge.

I blown one of my both vesc 12s FOC yesterday. I got fooled by the name. Wish i saw the post earlier… ;( Motor 6374 TB (wanted 6380 but it was BO at the moment…) Running 60a (Can Bus) Year before, killed 2 vesc 6 again 12s FOC. Motor Trmp 136kv running 50a (CHCHING $$!) So aint gonna foc around again! Thanks for all this info!

How are drv’s blown?

voltage spikes, current spikes, to high erpm, over temp, mechanical impact… pretty much all you can imagine.

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