Forum Etiquette - Speak your mind OR Shut your mouth?

Haha, well I am not sure who the idiot is in your example either when I try to gain some reflective distance, so this is incredibly poignant. George Carlin has another good one…

“Never argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience”

There are a few others that come to mind in this thread specifically…on the one hand “No Pressure, No diamonds…” On the other hand “Discussion is an exchange on knowledge, an argument is an exchange of ignorance” and “The purpose of argument, or of discussion should not be victory, but progress” To me this is an argument, and progress doesn’t seem to be occurring.

At first, I felt like the thread was asking about speaking freely at first when I voted, so right away I go for the obvious choice in my opinion, free speech. I think the more subtle (?) question was really, should the vendors specifically bitch back and forth, throwing accusations about and positing little actual, objective evidence of one thing on another. This is a different question entirely…The way this thread devolved, asking myself this question I would change my answer.

Look, I understand everyone’s position here. I run a small business myself. As a newcomer relatively to this forum/community ( a few months now) I have maybe not seen the whole story, but I’ve done enough competitive, capitalistic activity that I get the animosity that’s natural to the environment. Especially when you truly believe your product is superior or a better value, but people still go for what’s cheaper, mass produced, or just well marketed. It starts with playful jabs back and forth, maybe you make an attempt to work together but it falls through and then it’s all out war.

The problem is, nothing worthwhile is really getting said from what I am seeing. Just a lot of hate and anecdotal evidence. The problem then for you guys becomes a problem of perception. This is mostly a community of adults, while some find this behavior entertaining ( hell, I think all of us do sometimes to an extent) at some point it becomes petty and annoying to watch when progress is not being made. People on here are waiting forever for hand made parts from you guys, and hours are spent on this? I don’t really follow this logic, as I expected long wait times going into it, but I know many people feel this way. Progress is ultimately what we all want. No one here wants to watch you guys bicker back and forth with not so witty quips about who did what first, and who’s copying who. For christ’s sake, is anyone here actually inventing these technologies? You guys are sourcing products, right? Maybe you are making slight modifications or coming up with a new style of motor mount for example. Other than that, you’re a reseller of someone else’s product anyways.

Instead of tearing each other’s products down you should be point out the positives with your competitors product ( which is likely a variant of the same/similar thing!) and then making a clear argument about why yours has the advantage, why it’s better for “X” application or what have you, and leave it at that. No petty, antagonistic quips required. Trust me, this is a surefire way you will avoid being confused for the idiot.

@onloop I totally understand where you’re coming from when it comes to business. I too used to work pretty menial customer service/sales jobs until I started running my own place. It’s a whole different thing. And it feels great. The best thing is you don’t have to put up with other peoples shit if you don’t want to. I think you make great points at times, you’re clearly intelligent and hard working. You love what you’re doing and even though you come off as a dick someime, it’s hard not to respect your confidence in your products and in most cases your willingness to be helpful.

On the other hand, I think you’re going beyond being “true to yourself” at times and just being a dick when it’s unnecessary to be a dick, maybe you sort of like the way it feels from the sound of it. It’s a pretty classic position of power attitude that you seem to have taken on. For example, your comment above in reply to @Karmannghiagirl and @delta_19 make some excellent points, are well thought and for the most part seem like honest replies. But does there always have to be a condescending remark? It’s like you assume everyone else is an imbecile who your forced to remind the simple tenants of business when really their trying to point out a simple tenant of business to you that you seem to blatantly ignore rather often, common courtesy.

Sure, Don’t be fake, be true to yourself, and “say what you mean, but don’t say it mean”. Take is as a naive, childish or soft quote if you like, but the point I am making is spelled out clearly by how these conversations have been taking place. You may feel attacked because you have it in your head that your putting in all this work and money to make the community grow and no one is respecting that, and on top of that they call you out for being a dick. Seems like a lot of bullshit for nothing…

What it seems like you fail to realize is that you’re encouraging them to do it by adding in the condescending remarks to the end of nearly every post instead of just stating what’s what and moving on. I appreciate your work, and this is a really nice forum that i have loved to use and be a part of, but from day one of reading your replies to customers I have been turned off of your business. In a market of constant innovation/changes and DIY vendors and members alike I was worried that you would basically tell me to fuck off in a matter of words if I had an issue with my product. Your battery looks great for example, that new case is sleek as hell for a DIY option! Still not really enough to get past the perception for me so I ordered elsewhere, and I had an issue anyways. But so far I have had great service in dealing with it.

Maybe I am just too sensitive, maybe your attitude is better suited to Australia than us softies in the U.S. Maybe you don’t give a shit about this constructive criticism, because after all “you can’t please everyone”. I just think that’s a poor excuse to offer subpar, hard-knock customer service because it’s hard as fuck to do it all yourself and do it the way it should be done, especially when your growing and growing fast. Even if you kill yourself to make it all work. Trust me, I know. What I’ve learned is that you can be “real” with customers and not have the obvious caricature-like corporate personality while still being respectful of their intelligence and not totally abrasive. Maybe you’re like me at the start and just over compensating, because you and I both know the customer is not always right. It may feel “fake” to just roll over for their false claims, or obvious mistakes of their own and I am not saying you always have to just give in, but sometimes that’s just good business. Honestly, I think what scared me off in the first place is that I haven’t seen one claim against your product by a customer or vendor without some big, ego based argument breaking out. Reality is irrelevant, Perception is everything.


Thank you! This sums up this entire issue 1000x better than I ever could :smiley:

Bro u have wayyy too much free time.

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Or has a retarted high WPM.

But he pretty much summed it all up.

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here is the deal…

i’ll try to be much nicer…

If people call me names ill ignore them…

if people say stuff about my products that is unfounded or false ill ignore them & allow the false information to spread…

if people talk about / review / critique products that they have never used or owned… i’ll also allow that, without ever questioning them… in fact ill help spread the false information as if it were fact.

If people do dumb shit, or say dumb shit that negatively affects the reputation of the world wide electric skateboard builders movement ill allow it without even a whisper…

if people build an electric skateboard using the cheapest parts & it fails, i’ll never use the phrase “false economy bites you on arse”

i will try to be a better, more respectful person… (if slightly fake version)

i will not talk about other brands or suppliers of esk8 goods… this includes giving credit where credit is due… zip, nada.

consider me completely gagged…

everyone, please report back in 7 days if you are feeling better about yourselves… if you are, I will permanently change my tone…


Talk is cheap, you have a good product/service to offer so let it stand up for itself.

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Man this is gonna be good lol

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You keep using false economy, it doesn’t mean what you think it means. False economy is when someone buys a product for cheaper costs and end up paying more for upkeep and maintenance in the long term. In this thread, your product falls on the cheaper side. Though I’m not sure what the quality of your rotor is, using ‘false economy’ doesn’t really support your argument here.

And what’s your beef with @onloop ? You come to someone’s backyard and start making a fool out of the both of yourselves and you have the audacity to try to troll him? You seriously lack some common courtesy. Just drop it man (even if you didn’t start the debate).

And Jason @onloop, why’re you on a warpath? You sound like you’re letting him crawl under your skin. No one is asking you to be a ‘fake’ person, just drop the issue. You got a company to run and bigger things to do. Enertion is making a name for itself so don’t f**k it up here.

No one is asking you to restrict your own free speech, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU FUCKING OWN THE FORUM. People can agree to disagree and move on. Keep the forum like it was before and everyone maintain a healthy skepticism.

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I love how torque boards has a go at onloop about his motors and shit. Then onloop calls them out and asks them to show whats inside yet they don’t want too. I wonder why?

onloop is proud of the products he is selling and is completely open about what is in them. Along with doing the same thing.

Don’t start shit if you can’t back up your false claims.


All I said was, Enertion claims he has the best motors and it’s an amazing feat. That nobody can ever make better motors…

If you want to believe in the hype, by my guest.

I think you guys need to do your own homework as well.

I only preach this so you know this is all unnecessary but you are free to pay for more.

I want to point out that the stators are the same diameter, have the same color paint, same coating, and even similar white markings on them. The coils also are both machine wound. This tells me that these were most likely manufactured in the same facility. So the whole part in the video about “ensuring the stators are precision machined and the coils are machine wound” is not relevant as the alien and most other motors are. The lead wires share the exact same large bullet connector (another thing enertion listed as an outstanding feature) and the alien has similar high count stranded wire for flexibility.

Enertion made a big fuss about how all inexpensive motors use only “glue” to hold the magnets on to the rotor and that they use a special spacing ring to hold theirs. Again, this is just a bunch of BS hype to get you to pay more. Number one, this is not “glue”. It is application specific epoxy formulated specifically for this purpose. Yes, the R-SPEC rotor has a spacing ring on one end of the magnets, however, this is primarily used to space the magnets for automated placement by machine in the factory. It may add extra support and extend longevity, but that is not it’s primary function and almost all large outrunner motors have it. Also, the alien has not only this ring on one end, but machined grooves in the other end of the rotor for the magnets! Even better than the Enertion motor! Hmm, the R-SPEC isn’t looking so unique and top quality now is it.

Now, I shouldn’t really even be talking about this, but since Enertion listed it and talked about it as being an outstanding feature, I will. Enertion motors use L-1680HH bearings. These have a dynamic load rating of about 1600 Newtons which is a little over 300 lbs. Although, I couldn’t find the spec sheet for the 5800Z bearing found in the Alien Power motor, I can tell you that it is rated for about the same based on its size and design. Even if it is less, the only force it is going to see in an electric longboard configuration is the force from the belt when accelerating and it will be distributed on the two bearings. With this being said, the max force I’d expect to be on it in a dual motor config even on the steepest hill would be around 1000 Newtons.

Yet, from all that Enertion says I have a bigger stator… I’m better… lol


this thread reminds me of some shitty reality tv show. Time to change the channel.

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I just compared the full dual motor kits (motor, mount and shipping) from Enertion and diyelectricskateboards. Enertion: 537$ diyelectricskateboards: $510

5% difference.

I think the two companies are equally priced when looking at the bigger picture.

Stop fighting.


It’s a few paragraphs, if you add up your replies they are probably about the same, but spread out over more time and less thought out or on topic. This took a few minutes, and I sort of care about the topic so I don’t see how it’s a waste of all this excess time you assume I’m spending. :smiley:

And @delta_19 I do type pretty damn fast nowadays…

@onloop No one is asking you to gag yourself to spare our feelings. No one is asking you to be fake, if you have to fake being nice and respectful, that’s on you man. I merely suggested it might be a good business move to be less condescending to your customer base and the community as a whole. It’s almost like it’s automatic for you though. I hate to say it, because again you clearly know your shit and have provided us a ton of information and a place for it, but if anyone is putting people off of this community, it’s you. Not just you, there’s a lot of this going around, but you asked for the opinions.

Like it or not, you’ve made yourself a head of the community, not some background character just running servers. Every post you make reflects on the community as a whole, and every post comes off so condescending and sarcastic it makes my head spin. You say you like to be “real”, but sarcasm is psychological tool number one for concealing emotions and boy is there a dose of it in that last reply… It’s not about a gag order or us “feeling better about ourselves”, but of course you had to add a few quips to top it all off, and make it our issue for not wanting to be talked to like we’re retarded… Here’s the bottom line, you can speak your mind freely, defend yourself intelligently and also not be a total cunt about it.



Exactly. I sometimes wonder what we all would think about Enertion and it’s products if @onloop would have just remained an anonymous entrepreneur.

now you are making stuff up about me… which is not really a really nice thing to do, most of my posts are informative & are meant to be a positive contribution to the community. I doubt you will find anyone who will deny that.

You are also being very hypocritical, you are basically doing to me what you claim i do to others…

You have made a very broad generalised statement about me which is very offensive & untrue. Please stop.

i think everyone just needs to stop taking everything so personally… lighten up…ill also be taking my own advice too…

if i have offended anyone please PM me and explain the situation… i will be happy to discuss it & apologise.

Anyway, I am going to take a break from this forum for a few weeks maybe more, i feel like i have done everything that i set out to do, I have also appointed 5 new moderators who will be able to do a much better job than i can at being impartial.

I’ve got some big projects that need my full attention so will be focussing on those

have fun bickering amongst yourselves whilst I’m gone!



Did this really need to be added to your post? Everything was sounding good and then the condescending tone came back. This is what @AbrownMN and others like me have been talking about.

I think you took @AbrownMN’s comment of[quote=“AbrownMN, post:75, topic:2991”] every post comes off so condescending and sarcastic it makes my head spin [/quote]

too literally, they are not saying literally every post you make, they are referring to (and forgive me if I interpreted this wrong) the posts that are in reply to any form of criticism against you or your products.

I think a break might be best for everyone :slight_smile: I think I will refrain from posting for awhile also (sorry to all my adoring fans :stuck_out_tongue: )

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First I don’t know why Enertion is being blamed alot for the RSpec motor. I mean it’s not recently released, it’s already since last year and there were no complaints about it. I am not a pro-enertion, but this should not come by just now. If Enertion would like to sell larger stator with more expensive motor it’s fine, you can’t blame companies making profit. The claims on larger stator = more expensive could be legit since I have never opened them up. But smaller motors or other motor brands should not be taking it personally, it could also be marketed by quality and budget friendly. You all know your own products unique selling points.

For me the Enertion false economy is the VESC. It’s been switching manufacturers one after another but the quality still not the best for less price. Its a hard truth.

I am not a seller, just an eboard builder. I also don’t buy rspec because it’s expensive neither do most motors other members sell. I just bought SK3 for price, performance as well as most early build were using it. Buyers when they gona spend 100 bucks for motors, not el cheapo, would think - read and estimate. Up until now I don’t know who have the best motors, I don’t even care. The differences are not so significant one to another. It’s too small to make such different on short commutes compared to car.

I think everybody should just take a brake for now. If you feel offended personally, solve it personally. To be honest this post should be visible only to certain forum member user level 2 or above due to the fact that it is the very least priority to build an eboard. All motors worked anyway.


@onloop Really? You’re grasping man…let’s not pretend I am sitting here talking shit or slandering you. I am giving you an honest position/opinion on your own question. My answer is based on your own choice of words and general tone. This is how I feel when I read what you write, and you provide the evidence with every reply. Pretty much what @Karmannghiagirl said…I thought it was pretty obvious that I was referring to any post of conflict, but really I was referring to every post in this thread as specific examples (including what you just did at the end there) and I have seen the same behavior in many of your posts.

As I have said many times now, you have contributed a LOT of information and assistance to the community. I honestly appreciate it. If I wasn’t clear enough making that point or in my writing of the above I apologize, but I stand by what I said. It seems there’s always a jab at the end or some not so subtle condescending tone to the whole thing. Are you implying that any of the postings you made above are free of this behavior? It seems like you’re trying pretty hard to make the tone clear in my opinion. Then again it is words on a page, so maybe I am just misreading. I am not infallible, this is just my opinion and I feel like many people share the same or similar thoughts on the matter. That is all.