Has anyone tried the nano-x yet?

I just got the Channel 2 function to work, the output is a 0-5V DC signal and not a ppm signal. So you can connect it directly to a small 5V relay to control leds

Has anyone got any luck with the nano x or everyone has binding issues?

I got mine yesterday from the group buy. If I have time today I’ll try to set it up and report back.

So how are nano-x controllers surviving out there in the wild?

It’s pretty great, I got no issues so far :slight_smile:

Still waiting rest of my parts… However my nano-x binded right away when i connected it.

I ordered mine in January, but haven’t got it yet. I really hope the get stock at the 31st of March…

You should contact Enertion and ask where your remote is.

I did, and they said it was because of the chinese new year. :slight_smile:

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Thanks, how often are you having to charge the little beauty? Also that range do get? Thanks


I tried contacting Enertion in their chat. I asked if the schedule for nano-x’s is still valid. What I got in response was a simple yes. Hopefully they arrive soon as I’m stoked to get my board’s final component!

So I’m currently considering a GT2B mod or this. Honestly I think I’d prefer a GT2B but the only issue is that the mod for these costs an exorbitant amount of money in Australia, to the point where the nano-x is substantially cheaper than the GT2B mod.

Although I am hesitant after reading all the binding issues people had with theirs. Is it safe to assume that all of its issues have been ironed out by this stage?

Well, I don’t believe anyone has got any of the new batch, since it has been out of stock for 4 months now. I’m still waiting for mine and I ordered early January…

Well Jason’s website stock should’ve arrived on the 31st last month so I’d imagine people will be getting theirs soon.

I messaged them, and they haven’t received them yet. They should be there soon though. :slight_smile:

Hi @onloop,

When can we expect the nano-x controllers to ship?

Kindly, Finnishsnowmobiler

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