Help diagnosing overcurrent problems on my board

Hey Guys…

I own one of these boards i was having cutting out problems after much time this is what fixed the problem for me.

Remove the cap at the top of the board and pull out the fuse you will probaly see small black burn marks on the fuse you can buy a new fuse ( best option ) or sand of the black marks on the fuse.

The fuse gets burned abit not sure why it kept doing it over and over i then put some sponge under the fuse holder to stop it jiggling/ratling around when riding this… Fixed the problem… Enjoy

Thanks @LondonLongboarder, is there a fuse that would fit well, if so, could you send me a link? I really appreciate the help

80Amp car fuse any car shop

I’m planning to buy BenchWheel B2 or C2. Is the disconnection a serious problem? Should I but another electronic skateboard instead?

I’d avoid it myself. The older batches have the wrong firmware and it causes overcurrent issues all the time. Unless you are 100% sure you have a new batch.