Help me upgrade my board's drivetrain

I would like to upgrade my boards drivetrain. Currently I have Caliber II trucks with eskating motor mounts, 6355 sensored motors with 9mm pulleys. I would like to change to 15mm CNC pulleys (along with belts etc). I am thinking about these fatboy pulleys as they come with a bearing This will mean I will need to change to TB218 trucks since they will not fit on my trucks and I also have the option of switching to 6374 motors in the future. Currently I am using MBS 100mm AT wheels, 15motor pulleys and 36T wheel pulleys but may change to 107mm in the future. Do you have any other suggestions?

Surfrodz trucks


Yeah, I have been thinking about them but along with @psychotiller mounts they come out at 300€ + shipping + import taxes (which will be at least another 100€) so it gets pretty expensive. Still I would love to get me some.


I forget about all that with international buyers.

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Not only am I going to buy surfrodz and 107mm ABECs, I rode an evolve GTX (with upgraded battery) yesterday that was on AT wheels and it felt so smooth over rough stuff and cobblestones, I am now thinking about @psychotiller sixshooters. Right now I am about 11Wh/km, what kind of energy consumption can I expect with pneummies? My range in more than 50km with 12S5P.


I’m not sure, I’m yet to try out @psychotiller 6shooter. I’ve only ridden wheels like that on gravity powered boards. @mmaner would be a Good person to ask.

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Abec 107s are amazing tho. I love urethane and as smooth as tires are I just love the feel of skate wheels.

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I’m honestly scared to try out @psychotiller six shooters. Get spoiled and not be able to go back to urethane I can’t remember which EU web site it was but one of them still carried adjustable base plates for surfrodz reverse Kingpin trucks. (Noone here does)


I see what you mean. Price wise there is not that much difference though. Considering that six shooters include pulleys whereas the 107mm ABECs do not it comes out at almost the same price. On the other hand PU wheels can’t get any flats and I don’t know how much of a problem that would be with the six shooters plus the additional maintenance (pumping up the tires). In the long run maybe six shooters may be cheaper though as the cost to replace the tires is a lot smaller compared to a whole set of ABECs I guess like everything in life it’s a compromise, you just have to weigh you needs and expectations to make a choice.

And then have second thoughts and also buy the other choice :roll_eyes:


I got lucky and ordered abec 107mm wheels off Amazon when they were listed at $100 shipped. Now they are $160…


I’ve considered the same points choosing between pneumatics and thanes. Less maintenance and better performance for thanes(torque and range-wise) while comfort and better off-roading for pneumatics.

I don’t want to be stuck with a board that I can’t use if I only go with pneumatics not not pick up a spare tire and tube which I feel is a deal breaker if I can’t grab an extra replacement tire.

Probably going to take @mmaner’s approach and get both :laughing:

Also @skunk is good at getting you to just buy stuff. One of these days I’ll probably bleed my wallet dry after looking at the moonshine decks He’s gotten me staring at :drooling_face:


If only I got a commission for all the random things I’ve talk people into buying. I’m terrible with money it just burns a hole in my pocket.


Tell me about it. Hey @Skunk let me return the favor :smirk:

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what did I do to deserve this? :persevere: Trying not to focus on that site knowing that its the only place to grab those adjustable RKP base plates :disappointed_relieved:

Sorry mate, you were just collateral damage.

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I’ve had that page open in a tab on my browser of my laptop for over a month lol. I want them but a set would cost me more than the trucks cost me in the first place. Hell even one would… I keep hoping they’ll sell out and then I’ll have a reason not to buy them

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I keep hoping I don’t see more builds on the forum with them while I still have money to spend.

just looking at @Sender’s is reaally making me consider it even though its not the most practical decision for my build :disappointed_relieved:

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In all reality Sr trucks have so many baseplate options that after you get your truck dialed in there’s not a ton of need to adjust them unless you’re changing your riding style on a regular basis. The big Advantage I see to them is if you decide to switch your entire setup to a different deck you, may want different base plate angles based on the deck. @Wraith


thanks. finally, we both have something we sorta kinda not want to buy. :rofl:


Yeah to keep my expenses on builds in check I don’t plan on building a new board from the ground up but rather just deck swap between 2 or 3 decks to get a different feel/ride and just make the time to outfit it based on what I need or when I need it instead of having a separate board ready to go for each occasion. Save me some cash though not sure how long I can tell myself its worth putting off a complete new build :neutral_face: