Hobby tech New Remote 2.4 controller - lower price

Guys, I just’ve noticed that Hobbytech have lowered the price for that small, nice looking remote. It used to be 99$ - now it is 69$ which makes a pretty good deal.

Says “page can not be found”

Link works for me.

Maybe because I am on mobile?

Should still work? Strange.

Hard to say , it works for me. It might be because of the mobile.

It has a “light” channel 2… Does someone have an idea if this could be missused as a cruise control button? I really do like the size of it and I’m missing the cruise control on my TB-Mini remote :smile:

not very practical to reach for cruise control if you don’t have a tiny thumb :smiley:

Are there any reviews of this remote? I can’t find any information besides aliexpress

I wouldn’t mind removing the switch and putting a clicky button to the front of the case and solder it to the channel 2. But I dont know how the vesc needs to get the cruise control in order for it to work :\

My guess is that cruise control happens inside the remote and just sends the initial potentiometer signal in a loop without you holding the actual potentiometer position. Therefor it should be possible to retrofit any remote with a cruise control by putting a small Arduino in there that reads the potentiometer value once you click a button and then imitates the potentiometer signal.

This is just an idea though!

EDIT: like this maybe: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/DigitalPotentiometer

I have one of those, I like the compactness of it but it’s not so precise as the trigger ones like the GT2 and the other one hobbytech is selling, so with the vesc incremental acceleration (that requires less precision because varies the acceleration incrementally instead of the instant acceleration) everything is ok, with a normal ESC it’s “fine” but not optimal imho

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Thanks for the info! I hoped that the cruise-control logic is integrated in the vesc, because it would allow very simple remote designs…

I don’t have a VESC (yet) so can’t tell you if that is the case. If so it would obviously be really cool.

does that remote have a receiver? although for $69 i’d just buy a Kama…

what do you mean by [quote=“makevoid, post:12, topic:3848”] the vesc incremental acceleration [/quote]

You guys need to distinguish throttle preset from cruise control.

Throttle preset is typically a functionality of the controller. The Enertion/Backfire controller offers throttle preset, which means the controller will just keep sending the same pulsewidth it was sending at the point you pressed the C-button. It is not aware of your current speed and does not adjust accordingly. When you hit a hill, you’ll slow down unless you release the C-button, speed up and repress the C-button.

Cruise control is a closed loop speed control and cannot be implemented in the controller because the controller doesn’t know what your speed is. The VESC has built-in cruise control logic when using the Nyko-Kama nunchuck. When you press the C-button, the VESC takes your current speed as the setpoint and autonomously adjusts motor current in order to maintain that speed. When you hit a hill, the VESC will increase current to keep you from slowing down. Using the Nyko Kama, when you keep the C-button pressed and accelerate, the VESC will automatically take your new, faster speed as the new setpoint.

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question remains: can the second channel on this remote be misused as a cruise control (especially with the VESC)?

Probably not in any practical way without serious tinkering in the VESC code, which is written for the Nunchuck which uses I²C protocol to communicate with the VESC. The interface with a standard RC controller is a dumb PWM signal.

Dumb… but obviously reliable. Is there already a reliable wiiceiver (or similar)? Still waiting for updates on this site : product/wireless-wii-wiiceiver/
