Homemade XT60 adapter 3 lipos in series, 2 in parallel

Stop beating the dead horse here so we can give the OP some good advice. Just drop it already.


He owes it. Not me. Lol love this troll answer.

In this case his setup would cause a dead short. You dont put parallel and series on the same 2 rails.

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This is why I’m glad i said “im not sure”. Thank you mate. Always got my back.

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Ok maybe you’ll see this in the clusterfuk of bickering. Hope this stands out.

Take 3 lipos and plug them all into a safe parallel charging board like this one:

Or if you want to get fancy and use one thats mounted in a box, try this:

But dont mix and match as they will need to be the same spec and the same current handling to keep all of your packs balanced. Just a little bit of difference in connector thickness means a bit more resistance and thus unbalanced packs. You’ll need 2 of those and they will need to be connected in series. Unless you can manage to find or make a 4mm series connector you’ll have to chop those 4mm bullets off and add XT90s or whatever connectors to match up with a series cable.

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Parallel charging can be dangerous. Please be careful.

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Mmm hmm… ok…


Hey at least he had the good sense to ask first. Some dont.

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Speaking of, apparently something went on in the other forum and now they’re here. I’m guessing its down atm.

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if you don’t plug it in, you’re a pussy

Are you crazy? He has to first lick the connector for stability. We all know this.

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I had hoped coming here to ask my question it would have been answered by knowledgeable people who wouldn’t want to recommend anything dangerous……

I had gotten the idea after watching the following video on YouTube:

Also, yes all six lipos are identical and purchased at the same time. I’m also charging them using a parallel charging board w my iMax b6 hobby charger.

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This is why i said “I’m not even sure.” I’ve seen videos that does crazy things. However, I’m glad you didn’t connect the battery to that.

I have a very few knowledge about putting batteries in series/parallel, but with what you made, I could’nt give my best answer.

Apologies. Glad you’ve waited.

Perhaps, but then you had to follow that up w a bunch of BS (lick the connectors, etc)….smh. :face_with_monocle::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I guess sad little trolls get off on giving advice that could potentially harm others, rather than choosing to not chime in to avoid giving potentially bad advice on a topic they are not knowledgeable on.

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Actually, the jesus guy did. I gave my honesty. However, to clarify, they are from the other forum and do not like this forum. You’ll usually get their honest answer, and you will get their troll answers.

I didn’t troll you with my answer. Not when it comes to batteries. I don’t play that. But I’m quite the troll.

@Atxraider You after connecting your packs


The people from the real forum came here and offered legitimate advice, @LeonCamero then pretended like he didn’t give you confirmation by stating

To be honest with you, I’m not even sure. The set up looks right, but I don’t trust my judgement.

Ergo, he has no fucking idea if the setup is dangerous or not, nor does he have the experience or general knowledge to separate a functional wiring harness from a dangerous one.

@jesus for some reason also gave you the go-ahead to plug in this adapter, which in my eyes nullifies anything technical he has to add to the conversation.

In conclusion, no that harness is not acceptable for a plethora of reasons, the most obvious one being that you would be shorting 2/6 LiPos in that harness. The soldering is far from great which I don’t blame you for, its incredibly difficult to solder solid copper rods into the XT60 copper bullets and none of them are cold solders, just inconsistent solder fill which is a less signifigant problem compared to stresses and fatigue from vibrations that will cause that copper to break at some point down the line.

I suggest multi-stranded copper wire with silicone insulation in the future, and please don’t take advice from anyone here that doesn’t actually know what they’re doing.


If that’s called “confirmation” to you, then i don’t want to know your grade in english.

Didn’t know not trusting my judgement is called “go right ahead”.

If you think coming on here and saying “Yeah thats good, but don’t trust me” is useful when the item in question is a certain death sentence for the batteries involved and potentially the person involved, you gotta stop posting.