How do I hook up a honking horn?

Why you all so fancy Just scream beeeeeep as loud as you can and people will react 10times better and faster tested by me almost everyday on my bike


I need a horn that plays the sound of quickly-approaching truck tires with V8 motor noise.

Because nothing else gets peopleā€™s attention without being rude.


Oh my god, that 3rd video has got to be the worst sound I have heard in a long time. Itā€™s not even loud, itā€™s just irritatingly bland.


might try a door bell, lol

iā€™m watching this thread with interest. I would like some kind of ā€œHEY Iā€™M COMING UP ON YAā€ sound too, but after a lot of jokes about train and truck horns weā€™re looking for something more car like. But not exactly like a car, thereā€™s rules about horns you have to recognize what they are. I donā€™t want to be mistaken for a car. or a train. but something in that vein of sound.

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I cant think of any reason why you couldnā€™t use a turnigy switch connected to an available channel in conjunction with a 12v step down convertor and a really small car horn. Seems pretty simple, but yeah, being mistaken for a car could be dangerous.

that should work fine an a gt2b style or other remote with a 2nd channel. gt2b has the 3rd channel with the button, perfect.

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yep, or the nano-x or maybe even the remote that @Wajdi is working on if you sub the lights out.

I mounted one of thoose clown horns on the front of my board. Just put a foot on it and everyone within 50feet will most likely shit themself, including me. Horrendes soundā€¦

Without photos, it didnā€™t happen :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha video would been even better :wink:

Just donā€™t ride in foc. :smiley: Use bldc mode. O.k. i have done only 400 km so far. But never had a jell or horn. People just hear my motor sound and always looking back. Of course in bussy and loud environment better horn.

A bluetooth speaker + phone application with chewbacca sounds works pretty decent att grabbing peoples attention aswell :wink:


exactly what I was thinking. FOC is eerie quiet. I went back the BLDC and actually LIKE to have some noise

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I found one. Pop one of these on there with an air compressor and it definitely wonā€™t be too big or heavy, and wonā€™t make pedestrians mad or cause your way of life to be outlawed. Definitely in my next build. You can just put a valve with a string and just pull on it with your front hand, no need for even a remote.

Nathan K5LA locomotive whistle

You could you use a small PVC air chamber with pressure pump. :smile:

I think that runs on 200psi, not sure pvc is up to the task. You could put an industrial compressor in a trailer though

I like the car horn because people know when they hear it they need to move ass or die. Bicycle bells are also good. My scariest moments are from people crossing the road against the light without looking. One lady started crossing with her head down ā€“ I planned a course way in front of her, but without looking up she started running! My one crash was from one of these incidentsā€¦

30mph I need something loud that people recognize, I donā€™t have time to fuck around.

Fun but Iā€™m close to panic if/when I need the horn, canā€™t be moving my feet around during full power braking lol.

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I feel like Ima need something thats strong enough to shake the ground around me :joy: The problem when everyone has noise cancelling headphones is having something strong enough not to be cancelled out by themā€¦