How is your soldering setup?

My whole business is tucked away in the corner of my apartment :joy:


000,000w Cold welded gas tight crimp…

Good for 10, 8, 6… AWG


My dining room table doubles as a soldering station. My Hawaii house is to small and the garage only has room for motorcycle crap.


Lab setup.



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@squishy654 Beer is often needed! :smiley: To keep us from swearing, and numb the pain from burns!

@ThermalM16 what kind of fume extractors are these? :slight_smile:

@Cobber That tool looks interesting, could you please explain how it woorks?

@E1Allen I do that sometimes as well. I am the only one that thinks it is a good idea though :sweat_smile: My garage can also only just barely fit my old FIAT 850 Coupe - I get nervous every time I park it :neutral_face:

It’s good to get some inspiration from all your pictures, thanks!! :smiley:

10 ton hydraulic crimp tool. Creates cold welds through pressure. more reliable than solder for high current connections, to the point where is Au soldered terminals do not make code.

all comes down to how much current you are handling…

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So I have two. I wanted to buy a real fume extractor to minimize the amount of death I breathe in, but I don’t have the money for that yet.

The one on the left is

And the one on the right is

Honestly, these things aren’t the greatest and they only claim to filter like 80% ish of the chemicals going in the air. I have an air purifier I run for several hours after soldering to try and minimize the amount of chemicals floating around in my apartment.

Between the two of them, I like the Xytronic one more, but you’d be better off buying 2 or 3 of the cheap aoyue one since using only one doesn’t pull any smoke away unless it’s on top of what you’re soldering.

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