If you had unlimited money to buy a board

^haha who knows.

Well that board may looks sexy, but where is the rocker ? the W ? any resemblance of concave ? you know a deck without curves is like you know (implying stupid sexist joke)…


Also doomsday switch covers, dope. The details of his builds are sick.

mobile posing platform…

you know I like em lively, a lot of usefull pockets and places to explore for some manouvers :slight_smile:https://motionboardshop.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/darkside_blog_5.jpg

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Not every deck on the planet was build for speed and widowmakers, some, like Harley riders motorbikes, are just made for cruising, smelling the roses and admiring the landscape. Flat deck and a good grip shoud be enough.

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I’d build a board with 24 karat gold plated rims and Trampa gummies. Motors are also gold plated. Don’t forget them gold-plated chainz. Send it to Kanye and proceed to own the entire market.

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I want those gummies too

absolutely and my opinion only caters to a margin of people :slight_smile:)

I am weird I know that, but I am trying. Got a set of carver trucks and use them frequently to cool me down between runs :slight_smile:

Sorry if it came across *bitchy" or anything, no intention to put the product down, just not my cup of tee :slight_smile:

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Why just plated? I want to see the first polyurethane to somehow work gold into the ingredients list

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solid gold everything sell it and buy a gold mine

That’s exactly what keeps me from buying this… https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F282509479446

I just can’t/won’t ride a deck with no concave. I feel like I’m gonna slide off all the time :smiling_face:

I mean putting some braking soles under your shoes + seismic/vicious grip would make it usable. But there is just nothing to dog into for turns, leans, or god forbid any slides or speed checks.

But yeah sexy one.

But just so you know, you can add your own concave rather easy.

Ghetto method with griptape layer in a relief manner, or buy 3d implants for your desires.

True, but if I bought that deck I would want to glass grip or lucid grip it, so…

I thought about buying it anyways and trying to sand out a tub concave but that’s a risk and a lot of work, still considering.

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Heyyy @mmaner, so sad these people went out of business… :point_down:

Loyal Dean


Longboard decks made out of multiple stripes of Oak, Maple, Cherry, Mahogany, Bubinga and Teak. They used to made these hand crafted longboards reminiscent of old school California surf boards.




Grrrrrrr, those are beautiful. Very sad…

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Koastal makes some similar ones but not as intricate

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Yeah, so sad. This :point_down: is one of the decks, the 42" inch ‘Wooden Eddie’ I was considering for my first built after I found Tim Cindrich’s ‘Silverfish’ was also gone forever. No deck was similar to other because the difference in the patterned stripes. Each were unique. However, decks were sold for $ 280, and completes with Randal trucks and Seismic wheels for about $ 380 dolores …auuuchh!!




Though a NKD restless complete, with koa trucks, RAD wheel will run you around 1’000$ :slight_smile:



Hmm kinda got everything I could want coming together in the next 2 months :smiley: Only thing unpaid for is the hyperbeast deck

Zenith will be dual DMM 10s5p F1 Trampa carve will be dual DMM 10s5p 8" Hummie deck will be dual DMM 10s4-5p sixshooters Hyperbeast will be Carvon v4xl 12s4p vesc6 F1