Motormounts kits for Trampa E-MTB

I offer Motormount and belt transmission for Trampa e-MTB

MotorMount - stainless steel and PETG - $70 (set) Pulley for SuperStas or Hypa, HTD5M, 62T, width 18mm (15mm belt) - ABS+ - $14 (1 pcs) Pulley for motor, HTD5M, 15T, width 16mm (15mm belt) - Aluminium - $10 (1 pcs) Spacer ring for Superstar or Hypa - $4 (1 pcs) Belt HTD5M, width 15mm, circuit 350mm - $10 (1 pcs)

Payment by PayPal

Elements printed PETG have a 100% fill.

More about my project in this topic


Wow, that looks like a really nice kit. So, if my math is correct, it’s $146 for a complete dual setup including belts and pulleys? Do you know how much shipping would cost to the US?

I would also be interested. Maybe @Mobutusan and I can have it shipped together, it would save a lot of money.

That could work. But I should probably get my hands on a Trampa first. Lol. This kit just looks so nice and affordable that I’m considering biting the bullet and getting a Trampa once and for all.

Same here lol, I just need to get one…

Oh that’s a good deal. Could you possibly make it to fit mbs pro trucks?

@Mobutusan Well you counted, $ 146 per set :slight_smile: Additionally, the costs of shipment to the USA $18

@JLabs Price shipping two kits to the USA $22

@DilatedPupils These trucks?


Yes those trucks

Modification of the project motormounth seems simple, I have no way to measure mbs pro trucks. You can give me the required dimensions, but it is risky.

Did any plastic material wear out since The first Day of use or is it Holding forever?

Exactly what I was looking for! How much for shipping to UK?

@DeathCookies Pulleys I have from 1 day. I Only change motors holder, the reason was a change in the construction, and not the wear and tear.

@jga Costs of shipment to the UK $18

Just received my set. High quality workmanship! Thanks allot @Idea

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looks amazing! How much for shipping to spain?

@tueboard Costs of shipment to the Spain $18

how to contact U in PL? [czy tutaj mozna jakos namiary albo wiadomosci przesylac? interesuje mnie to mocowanie silnikow :)]

The new set of puzzles :grinning:


great job man!

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I think i´m going to test these on my trampa build. Although i´m not sure if two 15mm belts are enought with the power i´ll be using

Soon will be available a new version motorholder for belts of 20mm More about the new version 5 January :grin: The problem is that I do not have time to test it :frowning:

I’m afraid to offer a prototype without testing

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