Mucho Moko | Jaseboard Moko | TorqueBoards 218mm | Dual Psychotiller/Maytech Sensored 6374 190kv | 12s6p 30q | Dual FocBox

oh snap. Thats a lot of juice. you sure as hell need those parallel cells :smiley:

The board now has the juice. I got a dual charger as well. 20a each channel so charging this board still won’t take very long. Some more testing to finish then shorten a bunch of wires before I call this board ready to go and build the enclosure.:grin::grin:

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Finally!!! The board is complete and 100% rideable. Got around to changing the vesc settings to work with liion instead of lipos I was using to test. I can tell you that .093 Kydex is a pain to mold corners, it’s just to thick.

I have the CNC case exposed from @Kug3lis to keep things cool.
Currently I have to remove the whole battery box to charge the batteries, but with 12s6p of 30q it’s not a big deal every 30 plus miles. I might consider cutting a hole in the box to reach the charge and balance wires. It weighs about 26lbs according to my bathroom scale.

Final steps will be to weather seal the case a little better. This thing is still a beast.