Yeh I’m trying to avoid having bolts through the top of the deck if I can help it, wouldn’t be so bad if it was one or two but it would be… 28 lol.
So would M3 bolts be enough (4 per NESE) or should I go up to M4s?
Yeh I’m trying to avoid having bolts through the top of the deck if I can help it, wouldn’t be so bad if it was one or two but it would be… 28 lol.
So would M3 bolts be enough (4 per NESE) or should I go up to M4s?
m3 is plenty strong. Plus, NESE has holes for m3 not m4. My inserts just arrived.
damn, I didn’t realize how long it will take to print the cases! I think it will take me ~50 hours to do a 12s4p battery.
What are some ways to connect the modules when you are putting them in this orientation?
Maybe something like this? But it won’t be “no solder” anymore.
I guess I can have a bullet connector on one side, some short wire and a ring connector on the other side that goes on the NESE module case bolt. I think I will try that.
Going from your pictures you didn’t use the default NESE holes anyway, you added new ones onto the ends didn’t you? So making those M4 instead of M3 seems straightforward. However if M3 is enough then I’ll stick with that, means smaller holes in my deck too!
Another way of mounting nese would be to have thin sheet of aluminium or CF(~2mm) the size of assembled pack. Bolt nese to that sheet with countersunk bolts and have 4 to 6 holes to bolt that sheet to the board. Would need to check but i think it might be possible to heat insert brass inserts into the modules. You could even mount it so the sheet faces down for protection and use longer, 23-24mm rubber standoffs like @mishrasubhransu showed
I will be offering new service. Anyone ordering at will be able to order custom parts needed for the builds. I will not offer design service but rather printing service. As an example you might need custom controller enclosure or bracket and you have designed it so to save on shipping and looking at different 3d printing services you could just order everything in one place with your battery kit. Here is an example. Long channel for balance wires and pcm enclosure on 10S pack with 3 wire pcm so its all nice and tidy and protected:
Do you guys have a website for newbs like me to buy or custom order these from you? I am looking for a 6s2P pack without the hassle of building or having to trash a whole pack if one cell goes bad.
(LOL, I was typing when you posted your website and replied before I saw it).
Great idea! That will be a complete product for esk8. Maybe you should make it for selling.
What’s the record for the biggest NESE battery? Here’s my 13S5P. Only outputs 25v for some reason, I likely need more contact on the positive than a single ring terminal.
top mount battery box i designed for my 10s3p NESE battery pack
Not here but the biggest battery built with NESE is 20S16P i believe: Here is what he said about the system: “NESE hands down. 100% better. The vruzend might have its place but overall not sold on its quality / durability long term. The hardware on them breaks way to easily. I managed to assembled all 40 modules (8 cells each) in less time than the 30 cell 12v battery. Having printed these modules in ABS following the recommended settings on your website I can say that they went together with no issues, (snug but in a good way) I will likely end up changing the 3s 10p battery for a 4s 8p NESE system.”
I have missed your question. If the BMS is connected correctly, you would need to leave it on a charger for 48H to see if something is happening. These PCM’s have balancing current of ~30mA so it will take a while. What is happening, the charger lights green when PCM cuts it off. Then PCM slowly(at 30mA) rate discharges all of the cells except low ones to set threshold. When cells reach that threshold, PCM will kick in charger until low cells will catch up with high cells. It will take time. But if the cells are brand new they should be pretty equal in SOC.
@agniusm, please consider creating a FAQ post in the new thread. That will be useful.
Quick question - The m5 bolts that the NESE uses for the bus bars : what length are they?
Going by the sizing of the spacing, 10mm seems a little short, and 16mm seems a little long. I don’t yet have all the tab sets though, so I figured I’d ask as it means I can pick up some correct sized bolts.
Will these packs work with Samsung 30T batteries? Or is there no wiggle room.
30t are standard 21700, so what is the question here?
I couldnt find anyone who can build me a battery pack right now, so I figured Id do it myself. Since Im new to it though I was wondering if the nese packs would work or if there is an alternative for 21700 cells. Sorry for the confusion, thanks!