Near collison with cyclist

“you are responsible for your own safety and for the safety of others by acting responsibly in a shared space”

These thoughts are not directed at you. I’m not saying you did this.

Hey there @slick I feel you frustration. When we have a “by the grace of god moment” it release lots of chems into our blood adrenalin. Add that to need to let your frustration be felt or vented can lead to much worse situations.

Its not you fault. If you had of been 5 mins longer or shorter in the shower breakfast on the phone etc you would not have been there. Someone else might have, and been seriously hurt. I see moments or events like this as small miracles that happen everywhere everyday.

Another scenario all be it an unlikely one. The fool on the bike had just spent 10 years recovering from some accident not his own fault, doctors told him he would never walk again. Only through guts and determination and much pain he had recovered enough to go for his first ride. His parents, girlfriend and his dog all have tears in there eyes as he sets off.

Later he nearly hits you. He did something stupid, poor judgement hadn’t ridden in 10 years, there were no trains around then etc we will never know or in your case want to. lol

He is still in the wrong, in Aus he has right of way lol, it’s not your fault.

There are no answers.

I have a punching bag, I lay into it till I feel better. When you get fatigued you loose you technique and you can hurt yourself. If you don’t have any training it’s safer to use your elbows and knees.
