New Hummie Hubs!

Pumped!! What color did we decide to go with?

battleship grey

dont think that was the agreed on color really but at some point the grey called to me and if you really want to you can dye them black.

the goal at this point is to get motors to you to test and hopefully if you like them you can film some cool video and i can compile it to make part of the kickstarter video.



Not a bearing expert but @jboren seems to know what he is talking about. I am willing to pay a little extra to not have a problem in the future. What are you think regarding recommendation - as stated reliability is number one concern close behind performance. If their is a win / win I am all over it.



Are we gonna have to wait for bearing now as well?

no i have enough bearings. getting bearings is quick and easy. i have like 5 different types and different brands. sealed, sealed non-contact, shielded, high heat grease added, ā€¦and brands. weā€™re just waiting for the tires

o ok thanks

That makes total sense, they do have to take quite a bit more abuse than on a regular longboard.

Who would be considered a good source for bearings for Eskate?

@jboren seems to know what he is talking about.

Whoa there, this is the internet, itā€™s possible I sound like I know what Iā€™m talking about while being completely full of crap. Just FYIā€¦ :smile:

I trust @Hummie choices on bearings, heā€™s done his homework and thought a ton about it. In any application, the harder they are to service, the longer you want them to last before they need it.

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I havenā€™t been around E-skate long enough to say.

These hubs are amazing! Where can I buy them! @Hummie Please take all my money!!!

Me everyday

glad you like them and hope you can hold on until a fundraising kickstarter that will happen hopefully soon. i need to get an upfront investment to keep going as im out of pretty much all the parts for any more motors. rather find an investor really and skip the work of making a video.

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How much you need


If those were all ones if would be enough


J should come up with a price for 100 or 200 u think/

For every reason listed in this response linked, you need to charge more for these motors if you want it to succeed at a level where you can make more cool innovative products. This is why people price custom shit so high. I really hope the funds come, these motors deserve some lime light. Hope it all works out.


But fast adoption might be a problem if the price point is not right. Maybe early adopters discount and then bump the price up?

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id rather sell hundreds and make a bit on each than sell a few for a high profit but investors are unlikely to go for that approach and will probably have to be a kickstarter. I still believe a great video can be made very fast and with very little editing. still planning to do the whole movie as just one long take going up some mountain at dawn with no talking and just overlaid with vescs temp, watts, voltage, amps, motor amps, motor temp, heart rate, all overlayed and also a banner on the bottom running the material details. and some shots of the parts maybe even over imposed on the video so it can still stay with the one continuous shot. I dont know how long a video should be but end at the top of the mountain. with the right filming it would be exciting for sure. the kickstarters with the usual many cut editing and coreography and meeting the team and their titles and the pomp and the hackneyed promotional linesā€¦if i hear ā€œfrom the ground upā€ again iā€™ll hurl. ā€¦it goes on and on but its gross. rather make an action video with a skinny kid and without a single spoken word and find some cool band that would do a song over it. . ā€¦if only could do an overlay with the data but while an overlay w the vesc is easy, getting it to constantly refresh so you can have a background other than white is programming i havent seen done.

or someone could buy 200 motors up front and wait a couple months and Iā€™d do that.

but you guys just want the motors already i know. if they havent written and sent them to us by friday iā€™ll write on monday.