Onewheel Build Guide

Post screencaptures of your IMU and Balance app pages

Its not connected right now but these are the settings. My Vesc also freezes up when ever i try to upload any IMU/MPU app settings. it never says that it was uploaded.

Is firmware the latest? Have you confirmed the Balance app is enabled by reading App settings back from the VESC?

Does anything change when you turn Real Time data on? SDA->SDA & SCL->SCL connected, etc?

Nothing changes when i turn on real time data.I plug in the vesc and teh balance app appears.

I have the SDA and SCL pins connected.

Including when you click on the “read app config” button?

Well it appears that the connection is no good. Does the MPU6050 board have a LED that illuminates when power is applied? Do you have acecss to an oscilloscope to check the comms on the SDA line?

When I read app config it says that balance app is enabled. No I don’t have a good oscilloscope to measure. But I do have a spare MPU6050. Maybe I should try swapping it out?

Can’t hurt if this one is powered but not spitting anything out

I also the problem of uploading the app settings and in the lower right hand corner where it says things like APPCONF complete, it never says that for me when i upload the app settings. And the RT data freezes and never comes back. I’m wondering if this is the source of my problem. This is also a brand new board and I just got it the other day, I haven’t done anything to it besides play with the IMU/Balance settings and update the firmware.

Edit: I fixed the app problem by downgrading the FW.

I changed the MPU an still nothing. I also still have the uploading problem with my vesc. It will never confirm that the app settings have ever been uploaded properly. Can anyone help?

can you please explain what problem you have?

Why did you change the MPU settings? What MPU does your VESC have?

I am using an external 6050 MPU. I didn’t change any of the other settings, at least not intentionally. It may have gotten changed from scrolling the mouse.

you do understand that “playing” with these setting if you don;t know what you are doing will brick the unit right?

I didn’t mean playing with all of the other settings that don’t effect the MPU connectivity. I was talking about which app gets used and other obvious setting like that.

but you did change the MPU type setting?

and just to be clear what setting are we talking about here?

because when you say you changed the MPU settings, well it sounds very much like you changed the MPU setting and that is not good if its not right

Yes, I changed the MPU setting to 9X50 external.

The balance app and the IMU input settings.