Onewheel Build Guide

Hello, I am useing the 10" P hub motor, with the vesc software and an mpu. I am having problems tuning it, i was woundering if ya’ll have a reconmendation for PID values.

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do you have a direct email? me and my son need help making this come to life

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Just show up in Seattle with it we’ll chase you down.

??? lmao :rofl:

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Hello all, I’ve learned a lot from this forum! I started my own build that I’m documenting in a video series. I just uploaded my first video. Let me know what you think!


I was already subbed! must have been the CNC or arcade video you did…

Awesome I hope you can grow a lot with this content!

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Awesome! Thanks!


@onloop when will you make a imu VESC?

Im about to try myself in building a plywheel from zblabs blueprints, already got

11x6" dunlop tyre used 50€ Hoverboard with a decent battery and motors 3d printed Hub Housing thingiversecom thing:3874514 1,5cm thicc Plywood

How it will look like once it is finished:

imgurcom 4NoMsws.jpg

Anybody got any ideas what possibly could go wrong with this plan ?

I am planing to use all components from the Hoverboard and maybe ad a new pressure sensitive switch on the front of the board. Later i will ad a programmable Vesc from flipsky but for now i just want to see if it could work.


Hello, I have recently been trying to build my own diy onewheel motor stator and am wondering how long the actual onewheel hub motor stator is. From the few pictures of a onewheel stator I have found online, I would guess it is around 60 to 100mm. If anyone can confirm the actual length, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

Here are some funwheel stator measurements.

Bigger is better.

phub-141:  45mm x 99mm stator  (346396mm³)
phub-188:  50mm x 99mm stator  (384884mm³)
phub-167S: 50mm x 105mm stator (432951mm³)
Fungineer: 60mm x 99mm stator  (461861mm³)
XR:        70mm x 106mm stator (617731mm³)
Float:     95mm x 99mm stator  (731280mm³)
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@b264 more data point for that list. SF and CC motor are same size internally.