Optimal Vesc settings

Can anyone help me with my Flipsky ESC settings? Its based on the vesc, so i can use same tools to program it. I have dual Eskating 6374 190KV 3300w motors with a 10s battery. The vesc is rated for 150A continuous and 300A burst. I’m getting almost no torque at all with the default settings, (I can stop them in mid spin with my hand). I am using HTD5, 14t motor pulley and 72t wheel pulley and 200mm tires. My previous motors were 6374, 190kV, 1650w and had incredible torque and top-end, (50+km/h) and would take my heavy a, (200+lbs) up a 30°ish hill and I want to replicate or exceed that with these new motors and vesc.

show your settings… u must miss something.


Check out YouTube, there are a couple vesc setting tutorials thatll give some good guidance

Like @StefanMe said, could you post a screenshot of your actual settings from the vesc tool. Seems you miss something. Do you have a link to the Flipsky esc? Which battery you have? Lipo, LiIon and 1p or more. In case of LiIon it would be good also to know which cells you use to define the max discharge you can get out of them.

I believe @mmaner had some good setting for the fvesc

Any specific page or pages for screenshot?

VESC Tool has a lot of settings, and it can seem daunting. The most critical things to make sure you do are

1: run a proper motor detection (either BLDC or FOC), apply the detected values, and write motor config 2: set your battery max based off your battery accurately so you arent pushing more than your battery can handle. Write motor config. 3: map the remotes pulsewidth max, min, and center. Write app config.

This is about as basic as it can be for the things that really matter. Other important steps should not be glossed over though. Off the top of my head, battery configuration and safe cutoff voltages should be set. Motor max based off max amps your motors are capable of. Choose the right App mode, PPM most of the time, and setting the lost connection negative current, I like mine at 0 so that my board doesnt chuck me off if my remote loses connection for a bit.

Really, there are some good 20-45 minute tutorials on youtube that you need to watch. Watch a few of them before attempting anything. Then come back if things still arent clear. It will all make sense in time. Pretty much all vescs are the same to setup using VESC tool, minus the firmware you need to select and update to. Be aware, selecting the wrong HW version for your firmware can brick your vesc and make it difficult to recover.

To answer your question, things that can cause much lower power than expected: too low battery max, too low motor max, improperly mapped pulsewidths, maybe a bad motor detection or none performed at all? Those are the usual culprits ime.

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I would add…

Do a BLDC detection first, save and reboot. If everything is good, then do FOC detection. That will save you a lot of time if you have sensor or wireing issues.

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Nothing seems to be working. I’ve done both BLDC and FOC detection on both motors, did the app wizard thing on the VESC Tool program. I guess the only thing I haven’t tried is messing with the battery max and motor max but honestly that stuff makes me kinda nervous

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It’s not that big deal. You just need to know your vesc and battery limits and set the values after it. Let us know which vesc you have and make a screen shot from the side of the max min values. We still don’t know which battery you are rocking…

Here’s the link for the vesc:

I wouldn’t be caught running setting close to that at all.

In saying that we need to know the battery and type of cells that you are running. Without that we can’t really help you

I don’t know exactly what my battery specs are, (I bought it pre made) I only know its 10s4p

Pretty hard to work out the correct battery settings for you without knowing the cell type

I “think” its 4.2v per cell?

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Read through this

It explain the best settings for this esc. This settings will just work if your battery can do that too. Did you get it made from somebody here?

If it’s made out of 18650 cells than sure it’s 4.2v but we need to find out the max discharge of your cells. That’s usually not written and can only be found in the data sheet of the cell.

Just show us your settings man

I personally would advice to not put high settings on the 4.2 vesc! Those thing wil warm up quickly. Also you need to do detection with your motor and remote etc… if your torque isnt enough from dead start, you can also change your throtle mapping. This means you can decide how much percentage of extra power you want to give at the start. I had multiple kind of vescs. Had problems with the flipsky 4.2…

I recommend to switch to either focbox/unity or flipsky dual 6.6… I had 0 negatieve experience with those esc so far.

You can read it and forget this or take my advice and be safer on the road :stuck_out_tongue:


So some of you have been wanting me to send screenshots of my settings but I didn’t want to take 20 screenshots so here is a video of my settings. I hope this helps. Sorry about the quality [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1__qhIwiBWTjjC9QwqpLCGOX7r-OmXoRc/view?usp=drivesdk]