Please Check My Wiring

Maybe it is just me but I have always found it easier to check something to have a visible end point.

Didn’t mean to come across rude I just found the diagram to be very unclear is all. Just an observation and you still got all the help you needed so no harm done.



Your gif fu is too powerful for me




No, the loopkey is on the bottom. I mean the thing on the left side.

Those plug into the XT90 on the right side under the BMS

Stop giving away our love…

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Okay, this thread is way too convoluted for me to understand.

Your balance wires are super wonky and probably will start a fire the way they currently are.

What is the most positive wire on each battery? Is it the red one?

Does it go:

Black - cell1 negative Yellow -cell1 positive White - cell2 positive Blue - cell 3 positive Black - cell 4 positive Red - cell 5 positive

I’m simply asking if that matches up, I’m not saying that it does. BUT it is my suspicion that this is what the wires mean.

If it IS how it is wired, then your wires are wrong. I can upload a fixed diagram for some clarification if this is the case.

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Could you make a corrected diagram? The board ran fine and I tested charging and it worked and i unplugged everything to move it to my enclosure and it stopped charging. The power supply is assuming the batteries are charged because of a green light. Also one of my batteries voltage is lower than the other.

If you make a corrected diagram based on all our feedback above, we will tell you if it’s correct.

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That’s because the balance wires are off. Disconnect your BMS and don’t use it before you fix this.


How will I correct it if I’m not sure what is wrong?

Okay i will double check all of the balance wires. Thanks!

All our feedback above?

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Okay I just checked the voltage on each wire.

Black-Negative Yellow -4 Volts White-7 volts Blue-11 volts Black -14 volts Red-18 volts

Second Battery Yellow - 4Volts White- 8volts Blue- 11volts Black - 15volts Red–16 volts

Does this help?

The colors don’t tell me anything since I don’t know exactly how you ended up wiring it.

Look back at your original diagram.

List the voltage between ground and each pin.

like: Ground -> 1 Ground -> 2 Ground -> 3 Ground -> 4 Ground -> 5 Ground -> 6 Ground -> 7 Ground -> 8 Ground -> 9 Ground -> 10

That’s about as foolproof as I can think of right now. It would REALLY help if you have actual pictures of how you’ve wired this thing together.


Okay I will do that and post results. I can also provide pictures by the end of the day. Thanks for being helpful.

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Okay here is the voltage Ground -1- 3v Ground -2- 7v Ground -3- 10v Ground -4- 13v Ground -5- 17v Ground -6- 21v Ground -7- 24v Ground -8- 28v Ground - 9- 32v Ground -10- 32v I changed the wiring it looks like I had a negative in for number 5. So, I probably fried the bms? I have another one on the way just in case. I will be posting a new diagram later today and pictures of current setup. The only issue I am having is the packs not charging, so I am assuming that the bms is fried.

Yes, very likely

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