Powerful single motor..?

Do those come in a sensored version too? I don’t mind them being unsealed but I’ve been pampered by sensors and foc…lol

Not sensored. And very unsealed. The holes are pretty big. I can stick my pinky and touch the windings. Also it’s pretty loud.

yeah but 50 bucks? and powerful? might have it’s uses…

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Should have known this as HK sells hobby grade motors for RC…which most are sold by stator size vs external dimensions like most skate motors.

I never understood why people would use two different naming/sizing conventions. It’s always been stator size…until I came to esk8 which is always external dims.

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Oh and then you look at like RCtimer and they use a different way to measure them, so it’s all over the place, there’s differences between the airplane motors and has been for a long time…it’s like they wish to confuse us all on purpose…I like sticking to stator size because it actually tells me something about it’s performance…can size isn’t important really unless your talking about how much you can squeeze into it…

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Like the sk3

6374… but really external of 6386. And a 50xxstator…

But really I think it’s in runner vs out runner… (the sizing) who knows…these companies are magical.

The real truth is I want brother hobby to make a motor with n52sh arc magnets with 0.2 clearance and 0.15 laminations, with 20guage windings :joy:

Maytech has very powerful motors and built extremely well. I am a dealer in TX and carry all of their products. I will post a video link using the 6374 motor with a speed over 40mph. Also now i am trying to find trucks that will fit dual 6355 motors and the caliber trucks are no go.


How much is the 6374 Maytech? I like the 4000w number on the alien, is it only the 10mm shaft why it is not recomended?

And also, I have a funny question, I had the impression, that evolve board, gives a suprising amount of torque for lighter people, like my self, So I just basically want that, I am used to very powerful e-bikes, and also snowboard a lot, so i think I can handle it coming from koowhell, that thing goes fast in a straight line. Ok, so i want a single drive driver, to have a Vesc, but 2 is just too expencive for me, so I am asking you this: I’m a light rider, 150lbs ish, in reality which single motor can give that? Thank you P.s. with small street wheels :slight_smile:

If you want to go with the Evolve motors, here’s a link to the 200kv version of the same motor. You’ll have to modify the connectors to make it work with a VESC though. The motor phase wires go to a single connector and the sensor wires have to be moved to a JST connector. I have them on my first build and I think they work fine.

I know these motors, but i did mention a reason, not going dual drive :slight_smile:

Yeah you would need dual before those would be good, but legit any 190kv 6374 motor would do you just fine.

190KV = Great torq, and most 6374 has around the same amount of power that dual can give you (Not the exact same but around there)

I gotcha. In that case, bigger motors = bigger magnets, so I’d just pick the biggest 63xx motor with a good reputation.

Can you recomend one?

The 190kv 6374 from DIYes is quite reputable. I had one on a single drive board, running at 12S, and it was insanely torquey. It almost threw me off a few times, and I weigh 185lbs.


What kind of wheel pulleys are those on them MBS 100 mm ?

If anyone wants some in EU for cheap i have a few with broken top bearings lol.

Never put the pulley up high on those, breaks the bearings.