Project Greenmachine | Kahalani Board | Caliber II's | Dual R-Spec | Dual VESC | S.P.A.C.E Cell

Thought i’d put up my build as well, the more the merrier right? So the basic features are your standard dual rear drive, space cell powered r-spec machine, nothing really out of the ordinary.

Mounted both VESCs to a sheet so they won’t move around.

Got all the components except for some JST connectors for the nunchuck and canbus connections, doubt they’ll arrive before the snow hits, seeing as it’s started in sothern and northern Sweden last night. Blah

So until they arrive i’m working on the enclosure, making it from sheets of polystyrene.

Cut a path for the motor wires through a riser pad to get them running between the truck and board.

Duct tape FTW! (More to come propably)

Preliminary fitting of the lid, so far so good. Gonna be painted green to match the trucks. Might paint the motor mounts green as well, but will have to see how it looks before.


Cool idea running the wires that way. Are they snug in there? Or they got a little play?

They’re snug, what’s left of the riser pad got compressed when i tightened the bolts. Will propably make a new riser out of some more rigid material in the future, but for proof of concept it works for now. Made sure there’s enough play on the cables so as to not get pulled on too much in a tight turn, so should’t be a problem.

Cool man. I look forward to seeing updates on how well that holds up

Epic! I love how you routed those wires!

If I were you I would probably mount the VESC’s a bit further apart. you will have a hard time getting a USB plug into the bottom one otherwise.

Looks great @Iceni ! @siggs3000 had a bad experience w the PPM pins bumping into the capacitors and creating a lightning show; moral of the story is to consider heat-shrinking or protecting those areas so they can’t create a short.

OMG they are SO close to touching in these pics!

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Actually the VESC with the USB Port with the Blue Dot on it is factory programmed as the master. So in BLDC tool you can connect to the slave VESC, via canbus, and setup the configuration parameters for the slave without ever connecting usb to it.

ALSO, it’s actually already programmed with the R-SPEC motor parameters… technically that last batch of enertion VESC was plug & play with R-SPEC motors.

So in theory once you connect the two CANbus wires to the slave VESC you will never need access to that 2nd USB port.

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Looks like he bent them up, one at 45 degree & one at 90deg.

even for firmware upgrades? good to know anyway.

@Iceni could you pls comment on building an enclosure out of polystyrene? Where did you get it, how do you form it?

@onloop So if I order 2 VESC from Enertion they’ll be ready to go as master/slave ? That’s really cool.

No problems with that, one is set higher than the other as to not block the usb port., worst case i just loosen 3 nuts and bring it up a bit further.

Yea, i’ve read that, so i bent the pins up and hotglued everything that moved, so should’t run into that. And the vescs are mounted with 3 bolts each onto a board, so they won’t move anywhere either.

Got the sheets from a local craftsshop, they also had some thin metal sheets, but to bend metal requires tools i don’t have. For the plastic sheets i just use a heatgun at low heat and use a little throw-together rig to get straight bends. I can post up some pics later today for anyone that’s interested.


I am interested in seeing how you are building the enclosure too. Looks like you used rubber firewall grommets to adjust the height of the vesc?

Will get some pics up when i get home.

I used some rubber bushings for silencing harddrives i had left over from a PC build for setting the height. Used some M3 screws as mounting poles.


Awesome! Very clever boring out the truck risers. That’s almost as effective and way less time consuming than my way of doing it which involves dremels, fumes, and occasional swearing. Not that i mind swearing.

This gives me a great idea for a product, actually… and i really wish i didn’t suck so hard at CAD.

Here’s my kitchen tab… I mean, uh, work bench! Using a piece of square metal rod to clamp the sheets down and a second piece to press down while heating it at the bending point. And the all-important Oven-mitt-of-Not-burning-my-fingers-off-while-holding-on-to-hot-pieces-of-metal. +1


Thanks @Iceni it’s great to see a visual of how this is done. Does this look like the stuff you found at your local shop? If so, I’m impressed that you’re able to get it to 350F with a heat gun!

Could you comment on the thickness that you used?

Seems like, i use 2mm thick sheets for the parts closest to the board, 1.5mm for the lid. Not sure what that equates to in inches though.

The heatgun i use can go all the way up to around 600’c, which is around 1100’f It has variable temperature from 80’c to 600, which is nice. And pretty expensive. But well worth it.

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