R/electric skateboarding sucks!


It’s crazy that they think that, and then call our DIY boards trash . SMH

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The motors on the AWD GT are 1200w and the one motor on my board is 330w :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ll probably get banned or verbally abused again for saying this BUT…

Well he has a point! Some esk8 parts ARE ridiculously priced! funny thing is thats just like what happens on this forum builders gang up, abuse and bully anybody that happens to calls out somebodies work/product expensive, this conversation definitely hits a nerve with some builders, it does make you wonder what kinda profit their making on particular parts when they get so uptight and offensive over theses things,!


I agree, a lot of parts are way out of a lot of people price ranges. But when someone doesn’t appreciate something by calling it a peice of wire. Or someone that is clueless on a matter, that tries to weigh in on something that they don’t understand is what makes people stand up for those who do. Some parts may be expensive but at the end of the day, they are vital in your safety and could lead to life or death. You wouldn’t want your car to have parts that while they may be cheap, could sacrifice your safety. It is about considering the balance of price and how much you value your safety.

You’ll only get banged if you threaten to find my ip address!

You can bang on about safety all you like but something been expensive doesn’t necessarily make it more ‘safe or better’ than something cheaper,

As iv said id love to see what genuine profit some people are making on certain items, Im not saying every one is taking the piss, im not saying the builder who this post is about is taking the piss, but there are definitely some that are ripping people off but that’s ok because your apparently paying for their ‘extra’ attention to detail and what not since their not a company that mass produces stuff.


I would travel to their town and drag race.

We should also have 1/4mi and 1/2mi numbers we can actually place on boards and verify them with video/gps.

Basically an easier to reproduce version of skatemetric tests.


I know that the cost doesn’t make a difference, but something handmade with high quality materials like @Hummie hubs are obviously going to be safer than cheap Chinese hubs.

Additionally, of course people can make big profits, if there is the demand for a product and people are willing to pay then you keep it at that price. Its basic marketing. Apple’s products are extortionate prices, yet people still buys it. It’s capitalism. Lots of people here spend weeks researching the best deals and the best, most quality components. So people don’t just see a big price tag and buy!


Great idea, we should create a leaderboard, using an app like this maybe?:

Exactly the point im making so why attack and ridicule somebody because they think a product is ridiculously expensive when it clearly is!? The fact that somebody even created this thread with the sole intention of attacking that person makes the people on here just as bad as them on that reddit thread


Nobody is attacking anyone. But when someone makes a claim whilst they don’t know what they are talking about then, all people are doing is telling them the facts.

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what are these ‘facts’? and how is he making a claim he knows nothing about? the cost isn’t far from that of a car…


Not to mention a lot of people in this community seem to think it’s not appropriate for our vendors to make a profit on thier work. Especially when said vendors aren’t just pumping out cookie cutter items, they t are developing new things to further the esk8 community. I’m not talking about vendors who just buy giant Lots of chinese-made parts that you can find on multiple sites. That mark up is bullshit.


So? Are cars being producing/manufactured in some guy’s garage in small batches being warrantied by one person? No…

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that’s not the point here, we know they aint mass producing their stuff and nobody has a problem with them making a profit … the issue is vendors and builders who blatantly are taking the piss and ripping off people and then attacking people because they bring up this who overpriced debate

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I rarely if ever understand these X is not worth Y arguments. If Y is more than it’s worth and someone else is making it for less then there can be some discussion but if the only manufacturer of a product or service charges Y, then it costs Y regardless of how much material or work you think went into it. As a producer of products or services you charge what the market will bear if you are the only game in town you charge whatever you can.


Things are worth whatever if someone’s willing to pay. That’s how things work. I’ve lost count of how many old cars I’ve gotten for three or four hundred dollars, spent a weekend washing it and resold for two+ grand in a different state.


That’s the same in many sports. Have you seen the price of mountain bikes. They are a lot more than some cars

Give us some examples of vendors “taking the piss”

Apple take the piss with their phones by charging over a grand for dated tech

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