Raptor 2.1 Feedback

I would not have waited as long as you have to be honest :blush: “hello counselor, i have a job for you”

Just had contact with Fatdaddy:

I just spoke with DHL and they said thay your customs do not accept the board as a replacement and that we need to pay VAT, we forwarted that to our repair facility

Well this whole raptor 2.1 business is getting a nerveracking POS. Man If I only knew a year ago… :sweat:

@Pura-Vida First of all, I was not expecting that you will share my personal Skype conversation on the forum just to get a reply from me. (Really disappointed)

2nd of all, as I mentioned on our first call (clearly) that refund will take up to 30 days to process. Also, I mentioned that you have to reject the parcel then we are able to re-route it.

I don’t understand what else you wanna talk about so you are ping ponging the emails. Plus: please note we do not offer any kind of phone support thats why we haven’t share any phone number (so its clearly not a secret service). In the end, I think I already explained everything on that call but sadly you haven’t understand that.

PS: AMEX still haven’t taken back the dispute.

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@McErono We have already provided the necessary documents to Fatdaddy for custom clearances. I am not sure why its taking so long.

@CarlCollins I am not blaming you, I know Swiss customs is the worst…

Are the spare wheels and remote on track? Couldnt find the last conversation with Rehan anymore.

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Uh… Why? Still not sure why Enertion likes to hide things. Takes away from the “transparency” the company boasts about. Don’t you remember when you posted ALL of my personal info here on the forum? You posted my name, address, phone number, ect… You guys need a serious wake up call.


damn, all this time i’ve been reading @CarlCollins’ posts with an Australian accent!


Seriously Dude? I think you clearly don’t understand the meaning of reply to the specific person. Did I mentioned you in that message? NO Did I replied to any of your comment? NO Did I indirectly mentioned you in my comment? NO Did I ask you to reply to my comment? NO

I hope you get the point now.

Here we are talking about company’s transparency not a transparency of an employee or workers personal information (which is clearly not related to the company) About the information you are talking about, I apologized for it more than one time and also immediately edited that out. At that time, I was new to the forum and wasn’t aware of that thing. Still you are pulling the things up from the past (almost 1 and half year) and using it like this. Seriously dude, you need to GROW up :slight_smile:


No worries man! You can still do that :stuck_out_tongue:

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thanks mate

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Anytime mate!

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Uh. Yes I do. In fact, I replied specifically to you as I intended to do. If you don’t want others to respond. Don’t post on a public forum. Or did you not know that one either?

You work for the company. You’re replying to the companies customer. You might be the one that’s not understanding here.

Uh yes. So just as an adult and the employee of a company you didn’t know that you’re not supposed to post customers personal info on the internet??? What world do you live in dude?

Seriously Mr. “Traction Control” Carl. You grow up. Stop giving false info and excuses.

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Hi @CarlCollins,

Apologize, it was not a voluntary mistake from my side, it was done from my mobile.

About topic #1: Even if it is too late, I’ve updated the picture and remove information relative to your Id, let me know if you require the picture to be removed from forum or not for your privacy.

About topic #2: to complete your post, it is necessary to add that during our skype we acted that you’d to check with your logistic if you would be able to reroute the order or I will have to reject it. and in case I have to do something, we were pending to Logistic notification on the process, as you and me were unable to know if I’d have to contact UPS by anticipation or reject the order when the guy will ring to my door. do you agree. You were supposed to share this information with me on Thursday Mai 2nd (5 days ago) and this action is still open…

When I’ve contacted your support on Enertion, on Friday PM, they told me that you should get an answer during next 4h, it was on Friday, we are Tuesday PM, so 4h are over, aren’t they?

So I am trying to do my best to close definitively this thread with positive from both side. Now if you get an answer to close w/o doubt all open threads, let do it.

Uh! I think I am not the one who started this by posting something on the personal forum. I ONLY KNOW IS, I just replied to him (not to you), even if it’s a public forum, I specifically replied to his comment only. I think you have to know the meaning of SPECIFICALLY.

I think I haven’t replied to you using that, Did I? :stuck_out_tongue:

As I told you before, I was new at that time on the forum, wasn’t aware of it, that’s why it happened and I think I am enough grown up to take that thing down and apologizing to you, don’t you think that’s enough? Also, Have I ever repeat that mistake? Mention one if you see anywhere, I seriously think you have to GROW UP.

I tried my level best to provide accurate information, I think most people know it here so don’t have to explain further.

I hope you will see the things in a positive way someday, although it’s not your fault :slight_smile:

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No worries man, Thank you for taking it down.

I actually emailed you the details that day, please double check your inbox. After that, I was on the leave and still, it’s not my working day.

I do have an answer which I am going to email you on my working day, 9th of May 2019. Also, I seriously want this thing to be on support ticket and Skype, never thought you will make it public that soon. No worries, let’s do it as it is then.

Please keep in mind, this thing needs time and it will take time. I am trying as much as possible to resolve this situation.

I hope you understand as I mentioned it on our Skype Call in detail.


They are on track, don’t worry man! Will get shipped soon.

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I like when action plan is under control. I will check my email at night, there is some sun here this PM as tomorrow it will rain, let ride the road rather the web.

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Thank you for understanding mate!

I think you need to know what posting on the internet is.

You’re an Enertion rep. Comprehend yet?

Are you new to customer confidentiality? You’re a CS rep right? I think that when you keep telling me to grow up it’s a scapegoat in order to try and maintain face. If anyone needs to grow up it’s you considering the facts of the matter. I’m not the one roaming the internet as a CS agent giving personal customer info out. I only brought it up because you complained that a customer posted your name in a skype conversation. Think about it.

Not towards Enertion. You guys stole $2,000 from me. This isn’t personal dude. This is about the company as a whole.

You probely have good reasons to be mad at enertion because of your problems.

But have they not fixed it yet? Or offered you a refund if you send them your board or new parts or something? Or whats the status of your board? I have hard time se that they just ignore your problem and refuse to try solve it?

Is it not the time to stop complain on every post made by Carl or the staff on enertion? Im sure Carl is a great guy trying to do hes best, but it must be very hard to go to work every day and have you reply on almost everything they do on this forum? I think we all on the forum know what you think about them and alot knows what problems they are working on/have already, maybe its time to give them a little rest?

I was also angry on them for some time with my raptor, but they did send me new parts and got it fixed after some time so no need to complain forever.