RAPTOR 2 | Most Powerful Direct Drive Electric Skateboard | Kickstarter

Congratulations @onloop for the pretty succesfull launch and thank you for at least allowing people to get the Raptor at a discounted price and with the affliate program. Sadly I couldn’t get a board from all the errors, maybe next time!

Don’t feel too bad, I’m pretty much in the same boat…

Always been unlucky with launches… :thumbsdown:

nevermind, seems to be updating now with commission counts

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Jason can you say 8072 it was first or second tier with the conversion dollars euros i’m not sure at all, just curiosity.

Second tier probably. First tier was between 8035 to 8062.

jajaja Jason is with the botle of champagne, enjoy buddy!!!


Thanks for the support!

I am very thankful for all your orders. We will now focus hard to make the most awesome electric skateboard on the planet.

I would also like to ask respectfully, please refrain from emailing our support team requesting to get the Raptor 2 at reduced prices, this was an extremely hot offer & the first 10 sold under 30Seconds we cannot offer this price no matter what your reason.

We are very sorry to everyone who missed out.


Wow that’s great. I’m 8038. I hope that means my board is one of the first Raptor 2 boards shipped. I have been dreaming of a sensored hub motor set up forever, but couldn’t find a set that I thought would be good on any level, heat, energy, or longevity. I see all the work that went into the truck design to dissipate heat, along with your motor design and am glad you made these hub motors sensored. Cheers, can’t wait !

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@onloop What type of grip are you planning to put on the Raptor 2? Or is that still one of the things that need testing? :smiley:

probably something slightly more aggressive than the raptor 1…

there will be a dedicated vlog about this exact topic.


Someone bought one using my referral link :slight_smile: Just wondering was the commission $100AUD? For some reason I thought it was USD but now when I look, its AUD. Maybe I just read it wrong the first time.

It’s AUD since forever. Wish it was USD! How are your referrals going?

Wishful thinking I guess! haha.

Only one so far…But I put it out there to a few friends and stuff. Hopefully another one or two will buy.

Nice, anything is better than nothing, I got way more than i expected! Hope I don’t lose them though

Probably because you have super fast internet. Haha.

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@ArmandR With all those referals to offset tbe cost…still not to late to get the raptor2 :slight_smile:

Can you roughly tell how many from US and how many from EU, I guess US clearly won but on how much?

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Do we know when the funds go into paypal account for referrals.


Just ordered mine from the UK - can’t wait…

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@onloop sorry for slightly off topic but you said you will ship the raptor 2 for EU people from within the EU. What is the current state of your EU-Warehouse? I’d like to order some parts, but last time I had to pay a lot of taxes and dutys. Will the warehouse situation for your other parts improve when Raptor 2 is available?