Reliable 10s and 12s li-ion chargers

im confused now? whats the highest on 5.5 x 2.5?

5.5x2.1 is 5a safe max

5.5x2.5 is 8a

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@Dirt_Bag huh?

maybe he got it mixed up. but most sources say it is a 5a for 2.1 and 8a for 2.5



alot of companies use very slightly different formats, but the general rule is as stated above as far as i can tell. for a chinese cheap connector, i would go by that. if it comes from a site like mouser that rates it higher, i would trust it

That’s what the Rep said, maybe a typo. 5.5x2.5 are available for the 8a

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mouser rates their 5.5 x 2.5 to 7a for some reason

im just trying to get opinions so i dont melt my connector

not all connectors are equal, you can look and see there are 14a 2.1mm jacks. but how common is that exactly? this is not a standarized assembly part. its just standardized dimensions

then go by the safe minimum, or get specs of the exact one.

link i need one of those in my life

sry @hyperIon1 for derailing

debate, we are going to the higher amp arena of charging. Its necessary and things are changing for it, everyone wants quick and safe


you need to buy a minimum amount for them to accept your order. it would be easier just to make a deans plug or xt30 connector for charging.

im building packs now that can be charged at 15a, they just have to be built for that.


what p count and what cell type? thats some serious power…

my pack can be charged at 30a :sunglasses: no seriously

can you find a 15a charger? thats not the size of a board?

This is exactly what I have…$55 shipped on sale I think, no battery for it but it feels heafty

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i dont see anything beyond 8a, xt30 somewhat of a PIA to mount

fuse your charge port and enjoy. its done great for me.

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you can 3d print a panel mount for it, or buy one