Rib crusher 9000 | Longboard press

because they cost 20 tons more than my wooden one which i built for $300 and i can still swap molds all day. 48" molds, at that. In case you’re about to reply “its only $189”: Its also only 24" in capacity. price one with a 48" capacity. If you can find one. IF you can, I will take an honest look at it.

If i was going to buy a press frame i’d probably need to have it custom made to fit in my shop and still work with what i have. In fact it would be less of an H and more of a rectangle as it would sit close to the floor and have a work bench floating over the top of it.

If you used 2 of them, they have a 12 ton model for 130, and used the 14" dimension as the width. You could also press multiple decks at the same time and stack your molds.
Since it would be modular, you could also push them together when not in use to save space.

you’re right, i wasn’t thinking 3 dimensionally.

Space requirements are now doubled, however… and its a weird side loading configuration…

This requires more thought.

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