Rib crusher 9000 | Longboard press

you into mature bones? hahahahahaahahaha


that’s none of your business :rofl:


@longhairedboy @GrecoMan c’mon guys my mom reads these posts



hi apolo’s mom :wave:

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Found a nice little spot I can use to press my decks. Thinking of using the two walls as the frame for my press. One side is brick with soil behind it so that will be no problem, but the other side is just a thick wall. This way I don’t need to build such an expensive and bulky press. But I also don’t want to blow up my wall.

Do you guys think the wall will be ok with 4 tons of pressure pushing it?

I wouldn’t!!

yea that wall is for sure gonna break :rofl:

Even a retaining wall is really only designed to take load from the top down, lateral loads will cause the wall to collapse 4 tons is way too much lateral load, it would almost certainly cause you to wake up in Syria if you woke up

@banjaxxed @GrecoMan Yea now that I think about it, that was a very stupid idea. Dunno what I was drinking

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high on pain meds?

@longhairedboy @Apolo
Why not use 2 or 3 of these? It is more expensive, but you could easily still swap out deck profiles and adjust lengths. If you only use 1 profile, you could easily make a concrete form and make a kick ass press. They also have smaller models, but this is the first one I found. My friend and I wanted to make completes in college and looked into this method for a press. https://m.harborfreight.com/20-ton-shop-press-32879.html?utm_referrer=direct%2Fnot%20provided

How would you easily make a concrete form?

Make a mold of the deck profile from foam and use melanine to make a box surrounding it and under it. Caulk and seams and corners. Pour concrete in the mold. It is the same concept as making concrete sinks. I made a table using a similar process.

Problem is, I can’t cut foam to dimension very well. i have very specific curves at very specific dimensions which is only possible on something like a rib mold where I can control everything a lot easier 38 PM

You could use precise rib molds to help contour the design… But you could still use the stell presses with a wood mold for the press

I might actually just copy that design and make my own. Looks pretty simple, no welds, just bolts. And it’s basically 100% steel extrusions

Or just use the steel extrusions for the higher stressed parts of the frame. @longhairedboy where was the point of failure on your broken press? Need to know so that I know where to place the steel


Idea! Make ribs out of 1inch foam, and glue them together.

I hate hot wire cutters lmao. I’m a ninja on the bandsaw/jigsaw anyway

You could cut foam on a bandsaw. It is the hidensity insulation foam board. Maybe I am just projecting my own own project here. :slight_smile:

I had seen that companies use concrete molds for larger scale production.

My family lives in GR and I visit them a few times a year. If you would ever be interested in a concrete press, just reach out!

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Thanks man! Really cool to know there are other people in michigan too lol