Ruroc Special Promo Sale Code: ESK8SQUAD (It’s OVER)

hmm im thinking this Halloween im going to use a Vader costume my Onyx helmet a red light saber and switch my board to BLDC and ride around town haha


3d print some helmet flares and the triangle breather vent and you’re 95% there. It will be present day Vader wearing space glasses, cause he’s like 40 years older and he needs glasses now. :eyeglasses: container_darth-vader-bust-easy-print-3d-printing-77630 rg1-dx-onyx


Shoot him an email bro

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Will do, thanks.

How would it work if I wanted it shipped to Canada? Would it be discounted shipping or just discounted helmet?

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Yes…go go go i jusr posted this everywhere

image World War Z for those who don’t know

For those from Canada the total price is 255 CAD including shipping. Also it does include the goggles.

I ordered from Montreal. Final price was CAD 231, full helmet with goggles.

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Damn I wonder if it’s a shipping thing I shipped it to Edmonton AB. What shipping method did you choose, the fastest or cheapest?

I was talking about goggles for these. Helmets definitely come with goggles, didn’t mean to confuse people.

Bro our humor is confusing :joy:

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Since both were free, I chose the fastest.

Soooooo…how is everyone? Everything ok?

Grreeat…yeah so…like hit me if you need anything

I have a feeling this promo will close out soon…sooooooo



Just got word that mine’s arrived! Sadly, I have to wait until Thursday when I’ll have time to pick it up. Also, I wrote to Ruroc about the problem with the code and shipping charge, they responded within a day and refunded the difference! Hope everyone else’s experience with them goes just as smoothly.


Looks like the code already expired. It shows a “The code has already been used” message now

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I want to thank everyone that participated in this promotion!

I hope that you guys that bought a helmets feel you got a deal.

Cheers Ride safe


Thank you if not for you then I don’t know when I would be able to own one of these amazing helmets.

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