Selling a fully built board (45MPH, 20 MILE RANGE)

That belt is definitely dragging on the wheel, not to mention riding at a 30° angle to the motor pulley!

I’m a Nigerian prince in need of an Electric Skateboard…


Should post on …probbaly sell faster :grin: everyone here is a joker and doesnt realize the value of what is being sold here.

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Its dangerous garbage, what do you want us to say?

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Are you making a joke? Those animals woulds tears him apart


Not sure if serious or troll :thinking:


Its gotta be ironic the dude has 3 days of read time so he knows how to differentiate a good electric skateboard and a dumpster fire.

Sorry but no. One is paying that

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I mean… it appears my offer has been the best one, waiting for details where to send payment. haha


GUYS he is trying to wheel and deal now. 33.3% off on the ebay listing! He’s gotta update the OP with the new pricing.


Guys I’m selling my Torqueboard direct drive build for 1000

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I hate to pile on, but omg that was a tesseract.


I am in shock. How anybody could do that to a tesseract has me absolutely fucked.


Holy fucking shits!!! You means to tell me he tooks a saw to his board and mades it that gods awful shape? The travesties!! I wonders if that was part of the labors he was charging. A ruined decks is an extra $150 to the buyer at least, That’s customs work!


Really on the fence about getting the board. What’s keeping me from getting it is the price.

How worth do you think the board is? I’m also worried about how long this board will last me. 1500 is a lot of money.

Any experiences or opinions help. Thanks!

Edit: Thank you guys so much for all the responses! All this truly helps!


I would say that the actual parts of the board are nice however put together in not the best way

Therefore I would say probably $1200-$1300 is around fair for this

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Parts list is solid. Definitely price is within range now. See if you can negotiate a bit. The cheaper the better

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I’d say its worth for $1000. You’d need to do alot yourself to fix it up

New enclosure thats not taped on Fix the phase wiring New deck

Taking all that into account plus labor, $1000 seems fair


True. My first board took 1152 dollars to match Lacroix and beat evolves. Second 887. Third under 750. All go 28mph for 20 plus miles. First battery took days. Now a 10s4p takes a coupke hours to make. Hes right. The learning curve u gotta juat get through and eat the labor. If I charged labor itd be 9 1/2 months for one board first time. Lol. Just in labor.

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