How do you guys ride in holey/cracky streets? does the speed of the e-skate make it so you don’t really catch in the holes? or do you guys simply use bigger wheels.
Anyway I’m in the process of making my own e-skate but where I live the streets are the worse and now I’m a bit worried that I’d either need to ride at 10km/h max or risk getting thrown over my board.
I don’t know how much time you have on a skateboard. But with time you learn to de-weight the board, and pop a little over the cracks, and it helps a lot. But Ya as pennyboard said, go big,or go pneumatic if your road are that bad. .
Not much but I roller skate a lot. I guess it’s pretty much the same thing, as long as my weight isn’t on my front wheel when I hit the crack I should be good. Also I’m trying to avoid using pneumatic wheels as much as I can.
Maybe throw in a picture of how bad the streets look, from experience sidewalks like this :> are a pain to use because of water drain just in the middle of sidewalk… you can also see how nice stone paved on the side lol (left corner)
Even with pneumatics at speed.going.over this.thing is a pain
With my 90mm wheels, that pavement would be painful anyway. When the bricks are all placed after each other, you feel every ribbon. Pavements with their bricks not placed straight are much better, as every brick flows into another one.
I have 97mm abec and 100mm mbs i think the mbs are better for all round use…i live in dublin ireland the roads and bike lanes are in shite…
Holes cracks tram lines…
This is not necessarily true, but I really I don’t want to get into a discussion on speed wobbles, and technique. Once you’re comfortable on a board you will be able to shift your weight around quite a bit without any problem. But once you get up there in speed(depends on the rider) its better to stay centered, and only make small adjustments.