[SOLD] 12S6P 30q Staggered Battery Pack $325 - READ DETAILS

Dave said the spark wouldn’t have damaged anything. It’s a total lack of trust and paranoia on my part at this point.

The center port was bent from the two crashes I assume so I probably push it to the side just right to finally break it off.

I’m a forgiving person by nature. My anger is either full rage or this. People know that when I’m pisses it’s serious. This is one of those things I just wanna smack him on the back of the head and say “seriously?! Grow up!" His age and inexperience in life, morals and values is why I’m not really angry. Just disappointed. You know what would be great? If @willpark16 responded here and we can discuss a 5 month refund plan.


Hey @willpark16 of all the people you could shaft you chose one of the nicest most active members? But maybe you got lucky because he’s so nice.

In case you hadnt thought it through you can patch this up with Mike really easy. You’ll be able to look yourself in the mirror.

If you just ignore him, you get to keep $500 but you lose all your friends here and this hobby will no longer be the thing you think about all the time.

It’s all up to you. The money is nothing in the long run.


If you…and @barajabali is up for it (or any potential takers). I can send this to Bara for an inspection and then you can pay me the $325. Then pay @barajabali for his time and shipping to you. So in the end, slightly more but probably less than my lost.

This does not include you Will. If you respond to purchase this I expect $500!


My bad, I am not really in the market ATM but if I was I’d be hitting you up right now 100% to work this out… Hence the half :sunglasses: glws though…

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Hmmm not a bad idea :bulb: :thinking:

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13 posts were split to a new topic: Willpark16 “situation “

I fried a charger port like that on a12s6p pack. It was spectacular for a brief moment. My voltmeter comes with a shorter tip now.

It was one of those I know what happens when I close the loop. My steady hands not so steady.

Yeah, we all committed the same rookie mistake: measuring the battery pack voltage through the charging port with a MULTIMETER BTDT :smile:


I did this with medium sized 11.1v lipo with a deans on it years ago and it immediately swelled up, practically ran away from it :smile:

Hey if anyone is willing to cut this down into a useable 12s4p flatpack that I can fit into my Hummies gen1 deck they can keep the extra cells and I’ll gladly compensate them for their time… Granted it all works.

I have all the components for my build except the battery (also need BMS/charger and antispark).

Just a thought, but I might be asking too much.

Probably be easier to turn it into 10s6p. I’m not sure but removing 2 packs sounds easier than removing two batteries out of each pack.

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Ah true. I don’t think I can fit that many cells in there unfortunately.

Hoping I could do something that would be mutually beneficial.


Think you can, just gotta find somewhere else for the other goods.

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Looking forward to my Hummie deck as well though going 12s4p is going to be the limit as far as the two hole version with compression packs is concerned according to Hummie.

Been thinking if I’d consider widening it as well but not sure if thats such a good idea considering its my first build :sweat_smile:

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Guys. Less keep this on topic of purchasing the battery. Will has basically “spoken” on how he decided to go about this. No need to beat on a dead horse


With the recent shop space being made available to me and my buddy going in on buying/makng a spot welder so we can both learn to build battery packs. I’m very tempted to grab this just to inspect and learn from…


Freggin do it.


I’m pretty sure the pack is good. Just not for my paranoid self. But I can’t in good conscience not have this warning of its history


Well I’m sending you that money on Monday for the helmet.let me see what $$$ I can slide around and see if I can pull this off.

  • I take that back. I just remembered I gotta take care of some other things this week. I’m in for the helmet still tho.
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No worries. I’m not starving…yet. Just dm me when you are ready. If you become interested in battery. You can ask Dave and Bara for recommendations. Dave has already inspected