Hi, I want sell all in one. I’m moving on and I have to sell all.
Below my list:
Electric skateboard build by Ideatb 12s4p, Sanyo NCR20700B 4250mAh - 15A, Turnigy d5035 125 kv. Controllers 2x flipsky 60A. Tracks -MBS Matrix, wheel Trampa 8", BMS 12s 60A, 4xRemote, Charger. Board was two times charged, I broke my arm:(. I have problem with halal sensor in one bldc. Also I have parts:
Boards - Lendyachtz, - Trampa Urban Street, - Trampa HS11 (not on pictures),
Tracks: -2xTrampa Axel, - 4xMBS Matrix, - 2xEvolve, - 2xCaliber II,
Wheels: - 4xTrampa 8", - 4xEvolve",
BLDC: - 2x-Flipsky 6374 190 Kv, - 2x -BRH 5065 - 200 Kv,
Controllers: - 3x-Flipsky, 1x- Vesc 6 Trampa, 3x-BMS: - 12S 60A + bluethooth x3,
Direct Drive- by Etoxx, also I have my own construction in AutoCad.
Eskating parts:
2xtracks + 2xbldc + pulleys-drive+ 4xwheel 95mm + enclouser.
Spotwelder, 12x Liitokala 500,
All parts are new. For all I want 3500 €, ship included to EU. I’m from Poland.