Space cell pro 4... horrible range

I’m running a single drive 6374 190kv motor with the space cell pro3. I burned out a vesc and bought a new one. what should the min battery cut off be without damaging the cells?

well you want each lipo to not go past 3.0, and 3.3 is apparently a sweet spot for battery life and battery health.

honestly mine just died and im still scratching my head as to what happened

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If you still have your space cell then set your battery cutoff start to 30V and cutoff end to 28V. Gives you then about 20% more range and you are still safe. And BTW 130kv for hub motors is a horrible gearing when it comes to efficiency. For example for 90mm wheels 85kv is nice for hubs.

But don’t do that for LiPo. There you should use 35V and 33V as lowest.

Maybe it’s not your case here …but I’ve started having shitty range that dropped from 20+miles to about 7-8 miles when one of my motor magnets displaced a little bit and started slight clicking sound. First clicking was subtle …then it was louder and louder. At the end after I took the motor apart and fixed glued the magnet back in, the range went back to normal.