Speedy electric sk8 Dancing Board for high school physics

Wider belts also help. 9mm belts not as good.

MAN you’d earn COOLEST TEACHER EVER award if you rocking these. http://esk8content.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/uploads/db2454/original/3X/0/a/0a4fcbd103983650f3e60bef06a43c978d87a2ce.JPG

You can put batteries underneath the board with a flexy board. You just gotta know how to arrange the battery and solder it correctly which is as simple as any other battery build.

If you ask me, mountain board all the way.

I like street boards myself


@gee I was planning to to batteries under the board, i seen a mountain board build where they detailed this i’ll Go hunting for it but I d recall they bent around the nickel plate so it had room to flex between parallel packs or something to that effect.

@bevilacqua tension pulleys and the like seem more trouble? The board will be a cruiser dancer so I want to keep motors and other gear out of the way from kicks at the end of the board, then again it might be too heavey with motors and battery?

Any suggestions for a long 45+ inch dancer for this build. I was thinking loaded Tarab but they are $400 au for the deck. I want a bit of flex and the long length? :sunglasses:

It will def. weigh more than your standard dancer, either with hubs or outrunners, its your board so you are the one who chooses the gear :wink:

@bevilacqua decisions decisions, I guess are there any cheaper loaded Tarab equivalent boards or similar that are less painful on the wallet :moneybag: as the build cost is getting way up there? I’m 40 years old and haven’t purchased a board in 20 years so looking at the local shops sites and reviews online is not really helpful. Has anybody had a good dancing board they can recommend?

I saw some guy on YouTube he was trying to make a battery pack. I think he’s trying to make 12s4p or something. Instead of solder the nickle strips all over, he solder the 4 batteries for parallel with nickle strips and use thick gauge wire to hook them in series. This allows it a little flex unlike most battery pack. I remember seeing Ebike from ebikeschool.com but I can’t find the video.

I made something like this as well recently, I’m in AP physics, I’m trynna get some EC for it lol!

Good luck hope you can get some credit :grinning:

Sorry to necro an old thread @astus but SkateShred sells a Loaded Tarab knock-off they call the “double kick” https://www.skateshred.com/wholesale-blank-longboard-decks/blank-dancer-decks.html