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Does anyone know if I can re use this battery for a build? Dual motor is possible.

I broke the deck of my Meepo v3. I’m wondering if it’s possible to transfer the motorized drivetrain to a Yamba 500 cruiser. Would the size and height of the Yamba cruiser be compatible with the Meepo drivetrain. Thanks!

Hello everyone,

I actually have nothing to do with electrically powered skateboards. I am supposed to design an e-skateboard as part of a module at university and have analyzed the current boards.

Now I wanted to get some wishes and comments from the community. Are there any features you would like to see or what you as a user attach great importance to (design, safety, performance, etc.)?

The purpose of the whole thing is to have a list of requirements for the product at the end.

Another question would be very helpful. Is there one board that is the Bugatti of all skateboards?

Greetings and thanks in advance :slight_smile: )

This changes monthly, but currently, this thing: